Excellence in VET in Austria

There are awards that draw attention to apprenticeship training and training companies. The Ministry of Economy offers prizes for “State-Honoured Training Companies” and “Best Training Companies – Fit for the Future” to companies in different size categories to promote excellence in apprenticeship.
- State-honoured training companies
The Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy awards the prize “State-Honoured Training Company” for special achievements in apprenticeship training. The criteria are: success in apprenticeship leave exams, success in provincial or national competitions, and special involvement in career guidance. A list of all training companies with state awards can be found at Staatliche Auszeichnung gemäß § 30a Berufsausbildungsgesetz - BAG (bmaw.gv.at)
- “Best Training Companies – Fit for the Future”
Every two years, the state prize “Best Training Companies – Fit for the Future” is conferred by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy in the categories of small, medium, and large enterprises. The objective of this prize is to improve quality, innovation and sustainability in apprenticeship training. Specifically, this state prize aims to:
- set a clear signal for quality in apprenticeship,
- acknowledge the excellent work of the Austrian economy in the field of youth training,
- get new companies involved in apprenticeship training,
- and raise awareness among parents and youth of the good training offered in Austrian companies and the wide spectrum of apprenticeship occupations (information – only in German – at: https://staatspreis-fitforfuture.submit.to/landing/award/info.
Moreover, apprentices regularly perform well at the WorldSkills and EuroSkills competitions and have to qualify for these events through national competitions.
Skills competitions
There are the AustrianSkills as national skills competitions and at an international level, such as EuroSkills and WorldSkills competitions which take place alternatingly every two years. Via the AustrianSkills, the competitors qualify for WorldSkills and EuroSkills, where young people have the opportunity to test their abilities and skills against other international participants.