Quality Assurance in Switzerland

Ensuring quality within the Swiss Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) system is a top priority and conducted at various levels by the federal government, the cantons and professional organisations. The Federal Vocational and Professional Education and Training Act (VPETA) and the Vocational and Professional Education and Training Ordinance (VPETO) form the legal basis for maintaining the quality of the VPET system.

The providers of VPET are responsible for maintaining quality referring to the Federal Vocational and Professional Education and Training Act (VPETA) that sets out the basic quality standards and regulates along with various specific ordinances for example the following important elements of quality assurance:

  • Monitoring the provision of VET at the three places of learning
  • Monitoring the PE sector and its examinations
  • Setting requirements relating to qualification procedures
  • Regulation of the education and training of VET professionals
  • The Confederation and the cantons are responsible for the provision of education and training and for quality in the areas assigned to them

The Confederation and the cantons are responsible for the provision of education and training and for quality in the areas assigned to them.

At national level the implementation of quality standards is constantly encouraged, quality standards are established and the adherence to it monitored. The VET ordinances issued by SERI contain instruments to promote the quality of VET (e.g. VET curriculum). Each VET ordinance must be reviewed regularly according to the VPETA in order to ensure that the VET programme meets the needs of labour market and that apprenticeship training may take place accordingly. For every VET ordinance, a ‘committee for occupation development and quality (CODQ)’ is established. Furthermore, the federal government contributes to the improvement of quality by providing start-up funds to VPET partners implementing quality assurance projects. In addition, the federal government (SERI and SFIVET) monitors the quality of PE examinations as well as courses for VET professionals. Finally yet importantly, the Confederation and the cantons share the monitoring of improvements in quality and quality assurance in relation to the Federal Vocational Baccalaureate.

At cantonal level, quality assurance is focussed on implementing activities. The cantons assure for the quality of vocational schools and professional colleges, apprenticeship training at host companies, the activities of organisations offering work placements and education provided at third-party learning places. As part of their supervisory roles, the cantons also ensure that guidance is available for learners, vocational school teachers as well as for apprenticeship trainers. In addition, they handle coordination among the parties involved in VET. The cantons carry out their monitoring task by means of visits, membership of official bodies, provision of initial and continuing training, meetings and written and verbal information.