Quality Assurance in Luxembourg

The improvement of the quality of the VET system was at the stake of the VET reform of 2008. Hence, the quality of the VET system is guaranteed by numerous legal disposals like the nationally fixed curricula and assessment frameworks and the requirements for accreditation and funding of technical secondary schools. Companies offering apprenticeship positions do have to be in possession of a training authorisation subject to specific requirements.

The initial reform act of 2008, was aiming to:

  • improve the quality of VET;
  • ease access to lifelong learning;
  • promote personal and vocational education at individual levels;
  • improve collaboration between the State and the social partners.

Hence, the quality of VET is guaranteed by numerous legal disposals and structures like the nationally fixed curricula and assessment framework for all VET programmes, elaborated by tripartite curricular working groups and published by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth.

Quality standards for technical secondary schools offering VET programmes are part of legislation and used for accreditation and funding. The VET law of 2008 obliges training companies to be in possession of a training authorisation subject to certain requirements. Those concern, among others, the qualification of the company leader and the tutors in charge of the apprentices. The new VET law also introduced a mandatory three-day Train-the-Trainer course for in company tutors.

A national approach to quality assurance has been devised, while evaluation and review procedures are currently in the development stage. The Ministry of Education, Children and Youth coordinates the implementation of the EQAVET recommendations. National indicators related to the ten proposed by the recommendations, are used and monitored nationally. While most are applied in IVET, their use for CVET which is not monitored centrally, varies by sector or provider.

A common quality assurance framework for technical secondary schools is currently being developed and also applies to the associated work-based learning. A law, that is in the process of being submitted to the vote of the Parliament, aims to oblige all secondary schools, including those in VET, to elaborate quality development plans. The coordination of the implementation of the quality development plans in technical secondary schools is under the responsibility of the Department for the Coordination of Educational and Technological Research and Innovation (SCRIPT) – under the authority of the Ministry of Education. Secondary schools can use these plans to present their strengths and weaknesses, potential opportunities or obstacles that block the proposed school development, to identify priority needs and to establish objectives and concrete actions for a three-year period. The development of the plans is in the responsibility of the School development committees (Cellules de développement scolaire, CDS) that bring together members of the school directorate as well as teachers and members from the guidance services at school level.

SCRIPT has also developed a national reference framework for school communities’ self-assessment. The current framework is the result of research at international level and discussions held nationally with the school community.

Further, the National Observatory for School Quality (Observatoire national de la qualité scolaire, ONQS) also actively contributes to the development of school quality in Luxembourg. Its mission is to evaluate and supervise the quality of education provided in the education system in Luxembourg. It is an independent structure that holds an expert role and provides an objective view of the state of the school system. The ONQS prepares thematic reports and a national report that covers the entire school system. The recommendations of the ONQS are forwarded to the government and the Chambre des députés.

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