
Apart from the following glossary on crucial VET and Apprenticeship terms, you can find existing glossaries from the different countries below.

Process of issuing a certificate, diploma or title formally attesting that a set of learning outcomes (knowledge, know-how, skills and/or competences) acquired by an individual have been assessed by a competent body against a predefined standard.


Source: Cedefop (2008). Terminology of European education and training policy – A selection of 100 key terms. Luxembourg: Publications office. http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/files/4064_en.pdf [accessed 23.4.2012].

Inventory of activities related to the design, organisation and planning of an education or training action, including definition of learning objectives, content, methods (including assessment) and material, as well as arrangements for training teachers and trainers. Comment: the term curriculum refers to the design, organisation and planning of learning activities while the term programme refers to the implementation of these activities.



Cedefop (2008). Terminology of European education and training policy – A selection of 100 key terms. Luxembourg: Publications office. http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/files/4064_en.pdf [accessed 23.4.2012]. Landsheere, 1979.