
Apart from the following glossary on crucial VET and Apprenticeship terms, you can find existing glossaries from the different countries below.

Range of activities designed to help individuals to take educational, vocational or personal decisions and to carry them out before and after they enter the labour market.


  • guidance and counselling may include:

    • counselling (personal or career development, educational guidance);
    • assessment (psychological or competence/performancerelated);
    • information on learning and labour market opportunities and career management;
    • consultation with peers, relatives or educators;
    • vocational preparation (pinpointing skills/competences and experience for job-seeking);
    • referrals (to learning and career specialists);
  • guidance and counselling can be provided at schools, training centres, job centres, the workplace, the community or in other settings.


Cedefop (2008). Terminology of European education and training policy – A selection of 100 key terms. Luxembourg: Publications office. http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/files/4064_en.pdf [accessed 23.4.2012].