International Roadshow

Online Toolbox AR/VR-enhanced learning in TVET

While the use of technologies such as Augmented (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) offer entirely new approaches to teaching and learning, the development of technology-enhanced learning (TEL) applications requires considerable expertise. Most importantly, TEL can only generate benefits for learners, if digital learning applications are embedded in an appropriate pedagogical concept. To offer support and inspiration to TVET personnel, BIBB has worked with experts and partners from around the world to produce practical guidelines that showcase possible learning scenarios for AR/VR-enhanced learning in TVET and identify international project examples.

Planning the Use of AR/VR for TVET – A Practical Guide

This guide provides an introduction to the characteristics of immersive technologies and their opportunities for teaching and learning in TVET. 
It offers:

  • a systematic overview about technical and organizational prerequisites for using AR/VR in TVET; 
  • a step-by-step approach for defining suitable learning objectives and didactic methods; 
  • a checklist on content-related, technical, organizational and legal aspects that need to be taken into account for planning and implementation of AR/VR in TVET;
  • an overview about 11 typical learning scenarios for AR-/VR-based learning with examples from VET practice in Germany.

You can directly access the chapters of interest here:

Introduction: Planning the Use of AR/VR in VET

Read Chapter 1 - 2.2

Checklist AR/VR in TVET

Read Chapter 2.3

Interaction with machines

Read Chapter 3.1

Motor skills training

Read Chapter 3.2

Working with avatars

Read Chapter 3.3

Dealing with unfamiliar situations

Read Chapter 3.4

Safety / accident prevention

Read Chapter 3.5

Acquisition of professional competencies

Read Chapter 3.6

Understanding nature and physics

Read Chapter 3.7

Acquisition of social competencies

Read Chapter 3.8

Assistance systems

Read Chapter 3.9

Acting ethically

Read Chapter 3.10

Using authoring tools

Read Chapter 3.11

International AR/VR Project Examples

The examples are classified according to typical learning scenarios that have been described in the Practical Guide.

"Virtual and Augmented Reality Learning - Transforming Training in Lift Repair and Maintenance" - VTC Hongkong, China
download file
"Reshaping Fashion Design Education with Interactive Digital Media Tools" - VTC Hongkong, China
download file
"Event Space Design - Mixed Reality Training Package" - VTC Hongkong, China
download file
"AR Remote Training for Chemical Technicians" - SBG Dresden, Germany
download file
"Paint VR" - SBG Dresden, Germany and Confederatie Bouw, Belgium
download file
"SIMSPRAY – VR Training System for Spray Painting in Morocco" - MIMBUS, France
download file
"Planning and Execution of Electrical Installations in an Authentic Virtual Environment" - FOSH, South Africa
download file
"VR Training Modules to support the Indonesian TVET System Reform" - GIZ Indonesia
download file
"VR Simulator for Wastewater Treatment Plants" - College of Technology II (HVCT), Vietnam
download file
"SpaceCollab – Virtual spaces for synchronous remote training" - SHINTA VR, Indonesia
download file
"MILLEALAB – The all-in-one VR platform for education" - SHINTA VR, Indonesia
download file
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