H2PRO – are our training occupations H2-ready?

Is German vocational education and training (VET) ready for the energy transition? What training occupations and qualifications are needed for green hydrogen to become a key resource in the future green economy? These are some of the questions being addressed by the project “H2PRO: Hydrogen – a future-oriented topic for vocational education and training with regard to energy transition”, which was launched in 2021.

Developing the hydrogen economy is a key objective of the EU´s climate and economic policies. With the National Hydrogen Strategy, the German government has introduced a framework of action to actively promote the use of hydrogen technologies. According to reports and implementation plans from major steel and chemical companies, raw materials that are harmful to the climate, such as coal or natural gas, can already be replaced by green hydrogen. In the transport sector, hydrogen and its derivatives can be used for vehicles with high energy demands. Hydrogen-based heating applications are also being discussed in the housing sector.

Hydrogen can thus make a decisive contribution to decarbonisation. In terms of technology, the economy is ready to make the change. Yet, in addition to political and economic regulations, well-trained workers familiar with hydrogen technologies and able to actively shape the energy transition with their knowledge and skills are now essential.

The H2PRO project investigates which training occupations are particularly important for the implementation of the National Hydrogen Strategy, which hydrogen-related work tasks and qualification needs may arise as a result, and whether the existing training regulations cover these new requirements. Thus, H2PRO is a step to further ensure the future viability of VET and to sustainably strengthen the economy with a well-qualified and skilled workforce.

H2PRO is one of two BIBB projects on the subject of hydrogen that are funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

7.8.218 - Wasserstoff – ein Zukunftsthema der beruflichen Bildung im Kontext der Energiewende (H2PRO)

Time period IV-21 to III-24

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