VR authoring tools strengthen learning quality in Indonesia's vocational schools

What challenges in Indonesia's TVET system can be addressed through the use of VR-based learning content? What role do teachers play in developing such learning opportunities and how can EdTech companies, policy makers and schools work together to successfully embed VR technologies in education?

These questions were the subject of the 3rd BILT (Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET) Learning Lab held on May 10, 2022. During the event participants had the opportunity to discuss with the Indonesian EdTech startup Shinta VR, and their project partners, the benefits of implementing a cloud-based learning platform, like MilleaLab, in the Indonesian TVET system.  

As a software platform, MilleaLab provides Indonesian teachers with hundreds of templates and 3D models to create custom-fit virtual reality (VR) learning opportunities for their classes, without requiring programming skills. In cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Education and teachers' associations, training courses are offered to teachers throughout the country to train them in the development and use of VR-based learning opportunities. The Indonesian education system faces significant challenges with regards to funding and developing high-quality educational offers. Additional demographic (a large young population), geographical, and infrastructural issues of the world's largest archipelago present their own challenges. In light of this, cost-effective and tailor-made digital solutions, such as MilleaLab, offer the opportunity to transform school-based TVET programs into more attractive and practice-oriented learning experiences. 

MilleaLab is just one of many international examples of augmented (AR) and virtual reality (VR) learning applications in TVET. For more information on some others, please visit the Online Toolbox of the BIBB International Roadshow Digital Media in TVET. 

This Learning Lab’s recording and presentations can be found at: Learning Lab MilleaLab.