Media page

Support us in promoting the BIBB Congress. Our media page contains graphics and text modules for your social media channels and website, hashtags, as well as a link to the Congress website and the online registration form.

Text modules

Announcement - short version  (e.g. for Twitter):

„Future Skills – Fortschritt denken“

The @BIBB_de Congress takes place on 27 and 28 October 2022 at the World Conference Center Bonn (@worldccbonn). The motto of the congress is: "Future Skills - Thinking about Progress". You can now register for the Congress at www.bibb.de/congress2022.


Announcement - long version (e.g. for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn): 

BIBB Congress 2022: Future Skills – Thinking about Progress

Dual vocational education and training makes an indispensable contribution to economic and social development in Germany. However, it has undeniably lost its attractiveness in recent years, which manifests itself, among other things, in a significant decline in the number of training contracts. The Corona pandemic has further intensified this trend. At the same time, well-qualified skilled workers are needed in sufficient numbers to meet the enormous challenges ahead - digitalisation, energy transition, climate change and sustainability. Because without them, it will not be possible to achieve the major goals.    

Against this backdrop, the 9th VET Congress of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) aims to make an up-to-date assessment of the current situation, to discuss approaches to solutions and to identify prospects for the future. The BIBB Congress will take place on 27 and 28 October 2022 at the World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB) and has the motto "Future Skills - Thinking about Progress".    

Further information on the Congress at www.bibb.de/congress2022.


Hashtags for social media: 

#BIBBK22 #BIBBKongress #BIBB @BIBB_de


Congress website:



Registration form:
