Discussion group 2
Opportunities of vocational education and training for change: technology, immigration, qualification.

Prof. Dr. Hubert Ertl, Director of Research and Vice President, Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)

From September 1, 2017, Prof. Dr. Hubert Ertl has been Deputy President and Head of Research of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Bonn. Prof. Ertl is also a Professor of Vocational Education at the Business Education department of the University of Paderborn.
Prof. Dr. Bernd Fitzenberger, Director of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB)

Prof. Dr. Bernd Fitzenberger has been the Director of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) since 2019, with a break in September 2020. In October 2020 he became Professor of Quantitative Labour Economics at the Friedrich-Alexander-University in Erlangen-Nuremberg. Bernd Fitzenberger is a research fellow at the Institute of Labour Economics in Bonn, at CESifo in Munich, at the Research Center for Education and the Labour Market in Maastricht as well as an international research affiliate at the Institute for Fiscal Studies in London. His main area of research are equality of income and salaries, employment trends, evaluation of measures in the field of labour market and education policy, vocational training and the transition from school to the labour market.
Elke Hannack, German Trade Union Confederation (DGB)

Elke Hannack is Deputy Chairwoman of the DGB’s Supervisory Board and “learned” trade unionism from scratch. Alongside her theological studies she worked as a packer and sales assistant in retail. It was during this time that her trade union commitment began. She held various positions at the DGB before being elected Vice Chairwoman for the DBG in North Rhine-Westphalia. In 2007, she became a member of Ver.di’s national board. As Deputy Chairwoman of the DGB’s Supervisory Board she has been responsible for the topics women’s, gender equality and family policies as well as youth, education and public service.
Thomas Leubner, Siemens AG

In his capacity as Global Head of Siemens Professional Education, a role he has held since 2014, Thomas Leubner is responsible for worldwide strategic initiatives in the areas of vocational education and training, dual courses of higher education study, academically based continuing training (in-service higher education studies, MBAs) and upskilling as well as reskilling programmes. In the 30 years of his working life at Siemens, Thomas Leubner and has held a number of senior management roles during this period. These include Head of Central Functions in the HR Department, Programme Director for Management Development and Head of Cross-Divisional Productivity Programmes.
Dr. Rainer Nägele, Head of Service and Human Resources Management Research Unit at Fraunhofer IAO

Dr. Rainer Nägele has been head of the Service and Human Resources Management Unit at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO) since 2021. At the Fraunhofer Institute he coordinates research activities in the areas of Product and Service Development, Service Engineering and Business Model Development. Furthermore, he is also a renowned consultant for the topic of innovation policies at the federal and state level.
Karin Prien, Chairwoman of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs, Minister of Education in Schleswig-Holstein

Karin Prien is currently Minister of Education, Vocational Education, Science, Research and Culture of the German federal state Schleswig-Holstein and Chairwoman of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs. She is also a National Board Member of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) and Chairwoman of the CDU Advisory Council for Education, Science and Innovation, as well as Chairwoman of the CDU Schleswig-Holstein and speaker for the CDU Jewish Forum.