Guidance and support

Various stakeholders have guidance and support provision in place to assist young people in making the transition from school to work.

Numerous services are available from a wide range of stakeholders to support young people as they progress to the world of work and employment. Some of this provision takes effect whilst young people are still at school (e.g. career entry support) and/or helps those who remain unplaced on the training market (e.g. competence agencies). Some individual types of provision are of a long-term nature and also secure transitional pathways as far as the second threshold (after training).

Guidance and support at the transition from school to work are offered on a professional, semi-professional or voluntary basis by different parties. Professional guidance and support are seen as a traditional task of youth social work (as part of youth welfare services). These encompass socio-pedagogical assistance to support school-based and vocational training and foster involvement in the world of work and social integration.

In this area, vocational and pre-vocational education and training are viewed within the context of individual and social prerequisites (life world orientation, social space orientation). The aim is to tap into resources which strengthen young people (resource orientation, empowerment) and thus facilitate their entry into training. Youth employment assistance services/youth social services consider the provision they offer to be a contribution to a sustainable overall system. In addition to this, guidance and support are also components of programmes delivered by bodies such as the Federal Employment Agency, the federal states and/or local government authorities.