Best practice examples and recommendations for dual training in Latin America from a company perspective

Virtual presentation of the Spanish-language publication on October 20, 2022.

The findings and recommendations from five country studies on dual training approaches in Latin America are now available. The publication was presented in a virtual event.

In 2021, the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), the International Labor Organization's Inter-American Center for Knowledge Development in Vocational Education and Training (ILO/Cinterfor), and the European Union's EUROsociAL+ program conducted five country studies in Latin America.

The studies capture best practice examples and experiences with dual training approaches in Costa Rica, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru from a company perspective.

The publication of the findings and recommendations ("Buenas prácticas empresariales en la gestión del aprendizaje de calidad en América Latina") is intended to help Latin American countries develop strategies and measures to improve the quality of vocational training and employment of Latin American youth.

The publication is aimed at decision-makers in ministries of education and labor, vocational training institutions, vocational planners, employers, trade unions, researchers and representatives of institutions involved in vocational training and employment. It aims to contribute to promoting dialogue among relevant stakeholders in order to improve the quality of vocational education and training in the region. Therefore, it contains recommendations for decision makers as well as questions for future research projects and for expert dialogues.