European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships

EU quality criteria related to the European Alliance for Apprenticeship aim for high quality and efficient apprenticeship training

Council Recommendation on a European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships

The Council Recommendation on a European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships was issued in 2018 and contains 14 Quality Criteria for good apprenticeship structures on two levels: Working conditions and framework conditions.

Illustration of the Quality Criteria for the European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships

Appart from the EU Commission and EU-Memberstates, the European Alliance for Apprenticeship (EAfA) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) are forcing the quality criteria to be adopted and implemented in national vocational education and training systemes world wide.

Quality of apprenticeship

Apprenticeship enables learners to acquire knowlege, skills and competences with direct relevance for the labor market providing attractive opportunities for jobs and further education.

In the dual- track system the apprentices are full staff members of a company, and the training they undertake is ruled by an apprenticeship contract. Companies play an important role in training and social partners are actively involved in regulations and development of qualifications.The dual VET system stands for and secures a high quality of training and working conditions.

The toolbox countries have linked the presentation of their apprenticeship system to those EU quality criteria.





