Advisory project in Mongolia

Only 55 % of graduates of VET schools in Mongolia find a job. In this context, the importance for VET is increasing. So far the quality of VET has been inadequate despite government efforts. For example, there are skill deficits among school and company-based VET staff, there is a lack of quality assurance processes and industry is only insufficiently involved in the shaping of VET.

As part of the National Programme for the Development of Vocational Education and Training 2016-2021, the Mongolian government adopted a reformed VET Law in August 2023. With this law, the implementation of dual training in a school-based education system becomes possible. The law is intended to improve the quality and practical orientation of VET, and industry is to be more involved in VET. In this way, the long-term objective is that the qualifications of young people match the requirements of the labour market.

With the Project "Cooperative TVET" (cTVET), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) supported the Mongolian Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (MLSP) in its reform processes in VET. On behalf of GIZ, BIBB advised the MLSP and the Ministry of Education on the reform of the Mongolian vocational training act.

Advisory contract (March – December 2021)

The BIBB task was to contribute reform proposals for the further development of cooperative VET in Mongolia to the political process. This included

  • commenting the content of the draft of the reformed Vocational Training Act,
  • commenting the content of subordinated regulations, concerning
    • Quality assurance in VET,
    • Role and function of centres of excellence, criteria for establishment and funding,
    • requirements on companies for the implementation of in-company training, and
    • financing of VET and
  • advising on the implementation of the reform process.