Thailand – Going for innovative VET

Representatives of Thailand’s VET system undertook a five-day study tour to Germany in order to learn about various aspects of dual VET. VET research as a focal point of interest led the delegation to BIBB.

The study tour took the Thai delegation to BIBB

Questions regarding VET governance, BIBB's position in the research landscape and BIBB's function as a driver of innovation in vocational education and training were the focus of the half-day visit by a Thai delegation to BIBB on 26th April 2023.

The visit took place within the context of the BMBF-funded project "Progressing Work-based Learning in Thailand (ProWoThai)" and was part of a five-day study tour. The aim of the study tour was to give the 16 teachers, researchers and representatives from education policy and companies an in-depth insight into German vocational education and training. The tour programme included learning venues in the dual system, VET research institutions such as BIBB and insights into VET research as a scientific discipline.

The visit was kicked-off by Michael Wiechert. This was followed by words of welcome from Christian Bock (Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF), Prof. Dr. Thomas Schröder (TU Dortmund), Prof. Dr. Jutturit Thongpron (Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, RMUTL) and Dr. Nirutt Butrsaenlee from the BIBB partner institute Office of the Vocational Education Commission (OVEC).

The presentations were followed by a lively discussion between the delegates and the speakers, which showed the delegation's great interest in the subject. Questions were mainly about BIBB’s Main Board as a coordination mechanism for VET issues and about model projects in the field of VET and sustainability. The participants explained that their focus in the future would be on reforming the Thai VET system. Cooperation with competent partners, such as BIBB, would also be considered.

BIBB and the Thai OVEC have been cooperating on VET issues since 2003. In 2014, a trilateral cooperation agreement was concluded with the Thailand Professional Qualification Institute (TPQI). From January to March 2023, BIBB, OVEC and TPQI cooperated within the framework of the project "Exploring vocational education and training measures for electroplating in Thailand (SCHOOLPLATE). In this BMBF-funded project, BIBB and the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA) supported the Thai electroplating industry in developing a vocational qualification programme.