
Kirak Ryu

Kirak Ryu is Senior Research Fellow and Head of Employment, Skills Development, and Qualifications Research Division at Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) in Sejong, Korea. He has taken part in a couple of research projects on skills development system, active labor market policies, employment and welfare linkages, and comparison of adult competencies across OECD countries. His research interests include labor markets and social policies, inequalities and social stratification, and international comparative studies.

Marco Biagetti

Marco Biagetti holds a Ph.D. in Economic Statistics and is currently a senior researcher at INAPP. He has already held positions as adjunct professor in Economics, Industrial Organization, Financial Econometrics and International Economics. Furthermore, he has been a policy advisor in National organizations. His research interests cover Micro- and Macro econometrics as well as Health economics and Health indicators at a regional level.

Irene Brunetti

Irene Brunetti is a researcher in Applied Economics at the National Institute for Public Policy Analysis (INAPP) and Project Manager of the European project: Modernizing Protection Systems in Italy. Her research interests are manifold, such as, labour market, inequality, applied economics and public policy evaluation.

Marco Blank

Marco Blank is a sociologist at the University of Erlangen. He is currently doing his doctorate on the topic of "Skilled Work 4.0". He is also involved in research projects on office work and digital change, study on the situation of training staff and evaluation of IG Metall's indexing projects.

Torgeir Nyen

Torgeir Nyen is a researcher and the project manager of the Fafo Project “The contribution of skilled workers and apprentices in innovation processes”. He is a political scientist whose research areas are VET, Lifelong learning, dropout from education and school development and learning.

Johan Røed Steen

Johan Røed Steen is a researcher at Fafo, currently doing a Ph.D. in Work Science at the University of Gothenburg on the impact of digitalization on skill demand and competence management strategies. He has been involved in two projects on the contribution of skilled workers in innovation processes, as well as varied research on labour relations and the future of work.

Patrick Lehnert

Patrick Lehnert has been Assistant Professor of Business Administration at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Zurich since October 2022. He previously worked at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) in Nuremberg. His research focuses on the empirical analysis of human resource economics with a special emphasis on the economics of innovation and education as well as the development of regional economic indicators based on satellite data.

Michael Tiemann

Michael Tiemann is a sociologist and head of department “qualification, professional integration and employment” at BIBB. He holds a doctorate in Sociology from University of Cologne. His research topics focuses on the development of professional content, knowledge at work and working with knowledge as well as transformation of the working world.

Jens Dörpinghaus

Jens Dörpinghaus is a researcher at BIBB within the department „VET research and Monitoring“. He holds a Ph.D. in computer science. His research focuses on Data Science in Computational Social Sciences and Digital Humanities, as well as graph theory and network approaches and Data & Text Mining, Knowledge Discovery.

Valeria Cirillo

Valeria Cirillo is associate professor of political economy at the Department of Political Science of the University of Bari and is an external affiliate of the Institute of Economics of the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa. Her research interests include various fields, such as employment dynamics, innovation process and labour market dynamics.

Steven Dhondt

Steven Dhondt is senior scientist at TNO and Professor at KU Leuven on Workplace Innovation. His main focus is on the impacts of the newest technologies on organizational and work practice. At TNO, he coordinates the Smart Working-research programme, developing insights of robotics and digitization on organizational practices.

Adele Whelan

Adele Whelan is a Senior Research Officer in the Economic Analysis Division. Her policy research has bridged quantitative and qualitative research methods across a number of core areas including labour market economics, economics of education, programme evaluation, community development and social inclusion.

Bénédicte Zimmermann

Bénédicte Zimmermann is a sociologist. She is permanent fellow at the WIKO Berlin and “Directrice d’études” at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris. Her research topics are sociological history of categories of public action in France and Germany, Sociology of flexibility, business and career paths, Work, markets, public regulation and privacy, capability approach, Epistemology and methodology of comparison, Transfers and cross-story.

Linda Clarke

Linda Clarke is Professor of European Industrial Relations in the Westminster Business School (WBS) and responsible for a distinct programme of research in the Centre for the Study of the Production of the Built Environment (ProBE), a joint research centre spanning WBS and the School of Architecture and Cities. Her overriding interests concern labour, vocational education and training (VET), labour history, and industrial relations and over the years she has undertaking research on skills, VET, qualifications, wage relations, social protection, oral labour history, diversity, gender, migration and labour organisation in a range of European countries.

Mónica Moso Díez

Mónica Moso Díez is Head of Centre for Knowledge and Innovation at CaixaBank Dualiza and also co-opted board member at VETNET. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science. She is expert in various fields, such as Innovation Systems, Innovation Policy, Knowledge Management and Vocational Education and Training.

Antonius Schröder

Antonius Schröder is senior researcher and member of the management board of the ‘Sozialforschungsstelle’ at TU Dortmund. His core research area is social innovation, lifelong learning/ vocational education and training, evaluation. He is involved in the SPIRE-SAIS project. SPAIS: Skills Alliance for Industrial Symbiosis.

Jörg Markowitsch

Jörg Markowitsch studied mathematics and philosophy in Vienna. He is co-founder of 3s, researches and teaches on vocational and adult education, and advises policy makers at national and EU level.

Valeria Cirillo

Valeria Cirillo is associate professor of political economy at the Department of Political Science of the University of Bari and is an external affiliate of the Institute of Economics of the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa. Her research interests include various fields, such as employment dynamics, innovation process and labour market dynamics.

Terence Hogarth

Terence Hogarth is professor at the Institute for Employment Research at the University of Warwick. There he leads a programme of research at IER on vocational education and training (VET) with a particular emphasis on apprenticeships. This research is very much concerned with understanding the relative effectiveness of national VET systems in satisfying both current and future labour market demand.

Soorin Yoon

Soorin Yoon is currently director of the Centre for International Cooperation by KRIVET. She is responsible for diverse TVET-related international projects, including projects aligned with international organisations. Furthermore, she is engaged in comparative studies on TVET or TVET related institutions between Korea-Asian nations, Korea-European nations etc. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology of Sogang University.

Stelina Chatzichristou

Stelina Chatzichristou is an Expert at the Department for VET and Skills at Cedefop. Her Topics are skills and labour market. She is related to the Project ‘Skills and jobs for the green transition’.

Mónica Moso Díez

Mónica Moso Díez is Head of Centre for Knowledge and Innovation at CaixaBank Dualiza and also co-opted board member at VETNET.

Irene Brunetti

Irene Brunetti is researcher at INAPP and the project manager of a European project: Modernizing Protection Systems in Italy - MOSPI