International Roadshow goes Latin America

BIBB International Roadshow „Digital Media in TVET“ 2023 in Brazil

VET is becoming more attractive and competitive by using digital media. This was demonstrated by five practical examples from Latin America and Germany, which were presented at the International Roadshow "Digital Media in TVET" in Brazil.

A man inside a convention hall wearing virtual reality glasses

For the third time, BIBB presented best practices in the implementation of VET using digital media in an international roadshow. After Bangkok (2019) and a digital international event (2021), the roadshow took place in Latin America for the first time on 23rd November 2023.

BIBB and its long-time Brazilian cooperation partner, the National Service for Industrial Vocational Education and Training (SENAI), presented five practical examples from Latin America and Germany.

The five practical examples described briefly

The approximately 40 participants in the roadshow had the opportunity to try out five innovative practical examples of digital media in TVET for two hours. The initiatives covered different sectors and also differed greatly at a technical level. From VR simulations to platform solutions for dual training, everything was represented. Both the participants and the experts were satisfied with how the roadshow went. When analysing the global challenges, everyone agrees that TVET will play a fundamental role in the upcoming transformation processes: There is no CO2-free economy without the labour force to drive the transformation forward.

The roadshow was embedded in the third International Seminar on VET organised by SENAI. The participants came from politics and business, with a focus on education managers from companies, schools and VET institutions.

The national director of SENAI, Gustavo Leal, emphasised that international cooperation is central to SENAI, as it was born out of an international initiative. This includes, in particular, the long-standing partnership with BIBB. We are delighted that a new Memorandum of Understanding was also signed during yesterday's event.

Participants on site had the opportunity to try out the teaching and learning tools of the practical examples in interactive workshops and to network with the representatives of the examples as well as with each other.

Henrique Souza from SuperLab Terra do Sol found the roadshow very enriching because he "was able to exchange ideas with training staff from completely different contexts." The BIBB project management team, consisting of Luca Jelic and Diana Cáceres Reebs, also drew a positive conclusion: "The roadshow and the subsequent panel discussion with all participants were a great success. We encountered an audience interested in dialogue and SENAI could not have been a better partner for this."

A teacher at SENAI expressed his delight at the existing cooperation in the field of vocational training between Germany and Brazil. "In my student days as an electrical engineer, Germany was always emphasised as a positive example for the use of renewable energies - now I have the impression that it is a mutual learning process."

The recording of the event was made available online and can be watched here. The BIBB contributions can be watched here:

Following the event, the examples presented and other examples submitted will be made digitally accessible to the interested public.