EPALE Akademie – Organisationsentwicklung in Richtung Europäisierung
Projektarbeit auf europäischer Ebene ist eine Chance, die Organisationsentwicklung im Bereich der Erwachsenenbildung voranzutreiben und sichtbar zu machen. Dieser online Workshop zeigt am 02.09.2022 anhand praktischer Beispiele, wie die Entwicklung der eigenen Organisation gefördert werden kann.
Gaining experience abroad via the Erasmus+ programme
In order to learn and work abroad, more and more teachers and trainees from companies and vocational schools complete a stay in a European partner institution. An analysis by NA at BIBB shows how the number of stays abroad that counted towards vocational qualification has developed.
Thursday, 16 August 2018
Trainees abroad – Analyses on mobility in dual training occupations
Vocational education and training across borders: In the latest issue of its specialist journal "BWP" with a special focus on international mobility, the BIBB carries out a more detailed investigation of how many trainees in which occupations avail themselves of the opportunity to train abroad.
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
Job ticket to Europe – Europass certificate supplements now also available for advanced vocational training
Advanced vocational training qualifications will now also be clearly and easily understood across Europe. Europass certificate supplements are also available for advanced training occupations und thus support cross-border learning and working.
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Video tutorial on Erasmus+ Adult Education
Which funding schemes does Erasmus+ offer to support adult education? The answer is provided in a short and well explained video that is available with English subtitles.
In a joint cooperation with the European Commission, the ET2020 working group "Adult Learning" presents its most important messages on adult learning in a short video. The video explains the potential and importance of adult learning in Europe and calls on members to engage in targeted activities.
The ECVET tutorial on the description of learning outcomes is now available in English. The video illustrates which essential points need to be included in the description and caters to the needs of host organizations that have to define which competences the learner acquired abroad.
Relaunch of European Commission's Erasmus+ website
The European Commission revised its Erasmus+ website. The new structure allows individuals as well as organisations to look for opportunities that meet their singular needs. In addition, the website supports mobile usage. The site is currently only available in English, other languages will follow.