The number of applications for recognition of foreign professional qualifications continues to rise, as the new report shows. It provides information about current developments of professional recognition in Germany and reveals both successes and remaining challenges.
This issue of BWP provides numerical data which forms the basis for an objective debate on what has been achieved thus far and on the remaining challenges in respect of sustainably promoting integration in and via vocational education and training.
This issue looks at the immigration of qualified skilled workers. It addresses strategies for the recruitment, training and integration of a foreign labour supply. The general prevailing structural conditions, initiatives at company and sector level and guidance provision are discussed.
Out now: 2019 Report on the Recognition Act in English
An English translation of the Report on the Recognition Act 2019 is now available. The Federal Government adopted the report of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research on 11 December 2019. The report consolidates the findings of the BIBB Recognition Monitoring.
BIBB Portal “Recognition in Germany” expands online presence
The BIBB run portal of the German Federal Government for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications presents itself with new content, a new structure and a new design. There are now dedicated sections for international skilled workers, counsellors, and employers.
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
2019 Recognition Report approved
The German cabinet has approved the report of the BMBF on the Recognition Act. The report consolidates the findings of the BIBB Recognition Monitoring Project. Almost 280,000 applications have so far been made for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications.
BIBB evaluation of professional and occupational recognition
An investigation conducted by the BIBB shows that recognition of applications submitted from abroad is already working well. The stakeholders involved, however, believe that there is still room for improvement.
Monday, 6 November 2017
Report on the Recognition Act in English
The 2017 Report on the Recognition Act is now available in English. Based on results from 5 years of monitoring the implementation of the federal recognition act and the findings of this year’s independent evaluation the report draws a positive conclusion. Recognition is working!
Recognition Act turns 5 - Plenty of cause to celebrate
A specialist conference entitled “5 years of the Recognition Act – once learned, never forgotten” was held at the Berlin Academy of Arts on 21 June 2017. One of the highlights of the event was the presentation of the results of an independent evaluation of the impact of the law.
The Federal Government today formally adopted the 2017 Report on the Recognition Act, which also contains the results of an extensive impact analysis. Five years after the entry into force of the Federal Recognition Act, the report arrives at a positive interim conclusion.
Language is a main component of employability skills. This issue of BWP looks at concepts and experiences that have emerged from vocational preparation and from initial and continuing vocational education and training.
One year after - First results of "Prototyping Transfer" project available
As the number of immigrants increases, there has been a general rise in level of interest for recognition of foreign professional qualifications. In this context, the so-called "skills analysis" plays an improtant role: Existing vocational skills can be demonstrated without relying on documents.