Labour market and vocational education and training
In times of societal transformation, the interaction between the labour market and VET is facing considerable challenges. This issue of BWP asks how VET can be structured in a way which enables it to keep pace with the speed of the transformation.
This issue of BWP explores how AI can be used for vocational learning and looks at the experiences and academic research findings that are available. It also focuses on the impetuses provided by AI for the further development of learning processes.
The examination system is being altered by reforms and by digitalisation. The pressure to modernise is considerable. This issue sets out the current challenges and presents research results and approaches towards the further development of the examination system which have been adopted in practice.
How is digitalisation changing occupational learning? This issue of BWP looks at learning contents, at the competencies that need to be imparted and at methodological and didactic questions.
In an interview, that was first released for the re:publica 2020, BIBB President Esser answers questions about the current "systemically relevant" issues and challenges in the Corona crisis. The interview is now available on the BIBB YouTube channel with subtitles in English, Russian and Spanish.
This special English edition of BWP singles out some of the current subjects to be discussed within the professional community and by the interested public at national and international level. Included are articles on digital transformation, transitions to work and international VET reforms.
BWP 3/2019: Digitalisation and artificial intelligence
Digitalisation is changing work tasks and occupational profiles at a rapid pace. How will the world of work be changed by machines able to improve themselves and act autonomously? And what will this mean for the vocational training of skilled workers?
Who will save work? – BIBB and GOVET at „re:publica“ in Berlin
BIBB and GOVET will be presenting innovative approaches and successful practical examples in VET at the “re:publica” Conference in Berlin from 6 to 8 May.
Friday, 15 February 2019
Fifth TASKS Conference
“Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work” was the title of an international conference staged by the IAB, the ZEW, and BIBB. The event examined possible implications of digitalisation of the world of work.
The impact of digitalisation is already significant
Key findings from the initiative entitled “Qualifications and competencies of skilled workers for the digitalised work of tomorrow”, which has been implemented as a joint initiative by the BMBF and BIBB, were presented and discussed in the context of VET 4.0 at a symposium in Bensberg near Cologne.
Around 200 participants from business, academia and policy making discussed developments in the field of digitalisation from 30 to 31 October 2018. The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training was also involved in the dialogue with the theme “Working and Learning in a Digital World".
What will dual VET look like in the industrial sector in ten years’ time? In order to examine issues of this nature in greater detail, BIBB hosted a workshop which was attended by around 40 specially chosen participants from several industrial sectors.
BIBB Congress on 7 and 8 June in Berlin: "VET of tomorrow – experience innovations”
The 8th VET Congress staged by BIBB on 7 and 8 June takes place in Berlin under the motto "Learning for the future. VET of tomorrow - experience innovations". Online Registration is available with immediate effect, the early bird price offer ends on 21 April.
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
“It’s all about the trainers” – BMBF/BIBB symposium on VET 4.0
Digitalisation demands appropriate qualifications and continuing vocational education and training of teaching staff, stressed BIBB President Esser at a symposium on "VET 4.0" in Leipzig. BIBB will therefore support a nationwide qualification initiative.
Tuesday, 4 April 2017
BIBB President Esser: “Balanced VET necessary”
The new issue of the BIBB specialist journal "Vocational Training in Research and Practice - BWP" documents the initial results and findings on the spread of digital technology in VET. In his editorial BIBB President Esser speaks out in favour of "balanced vocational education and training".
Friday, 31 March 2017
Vocational education and training 4.0
BIBB is joining forces with stakeholders from trade and industry, academic research and educational practice to examine the consequences of digitalisation for vocational education and training. This issue focuses on initiatives, findings and perspectives for structuring technological change.
According to BIBB President Esser, the degree to which the challenges facing VET can be successfully overcome, especially in connection with the digital transformation of the world of work, depends on the competence of company-based and school-based trainers.
Recommendations for the modernisation of IT occupations are available
BIBB has carried out an investigation into the modernisation needs of the four dual IT training occupations on behalf of the two federal ministries BMWi and BMBF. The final report recommends that the requirements profiles, contents and inner structure of the occupations should be revised.
Job switches and structural change are accelerating
The digital transformation of the world of work is accelerating job switches and structural change in Germany. The first main interim results from a research project which is being conducted by the BIBB on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) have now been presented.
The digital transformation of the world of work will also bring about increasing change in learning media and in company teaching and learning processes in initial and continuing vocational education and training.
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
International conference on employment and digital transformation
The scientific symposium organised by BIBB, IAB and ZEW attended by delegates from around the world, debates issues relating to the future of work and the impacts of digital transformation and globalisation.
The future of IT occupations – BIBB launches online survey
BIBB has now launched an online survey in order to ensure the broadest possible participation in the process of updating the dual IT occupations. The survey is primarily directed at companies which provide training in these occupations and closes on 25 May.
Friday, 8 April 2016
Integrated solutions
Whether it's refugees, skilled workers or digital transformation - it is precisely key current issues such as these which require integrated solutions. Representatives of the Federal Metal Association and experts from the BIBB agreed on this at a wide-ranging discussion in Bonn.
The BIBB-VW project on VET and digital transformation is making progress. The project's interim results offer some strong indications, but at the same time are not conclusive in terms of how many job descriptions need to be changed and the extent to which this is necessary.
President Esser spoke about "Economy 4.0" in China
His presentation on the implications of "Economy 4.0" for training within the German VET system formed the focal point of BIBB President Esser's talk in Shanghai. Furthermore, he learned of cooperation between learning venues in China.
Industry 4.0, smart factories and the Internet of Things are some of the catchphrases used when describing industrial production of the future. But what does this vision of the future conceal?
BIBB analysis of future qualification requirements regarding IT competences
Germany is well positioned in terms of numbers of IT-based core occupations and will also be able to meet the rising demand for highly-skilled workforce as a result of switching production processes over to Industry 4.0.
Thursday, 16 July 2015
Skilled crafts and economy 4.0 – "Handwerksblatt" interview with BIBB President Esser
"Economy 4.0" is the buzzword of the hour. In an interview with the German Skilled Crafts Journal (16 July 2015) BIBB President Friedrich Hubert Esser explains the impact of the digital transformation of the world of work on skilled crafts.
IT occupations under review - BIBB launches new project
BIBB is investigating a modernisation of the four dual IT occupations of information technology specialist, information technology and telecommunications system electronics technician, information and telecommunications system support specialist and information technology officer.
Friday, 5 June 2015
Economy 4.0 – a chance for vocational education and training
"Economy 4.0 is the opportunity to make vocational education and training more attractive in Germany again," stressed BIBB President Esser during his speech at the 6th Future Debate staged at Meseberg Palace.
BIBB President Esser: "Digital transformation represents a challenge for education"
In his presentation during the Hannover Messe at the conference "Future Tracks - Gute Arbeit in der Fabrik 4.0" , held by Volkswagen and IG Metall, BIBB President Prof. Dr. Esser emphasised the increasing importance of dealing confidently with information and communication technology.