
More money in trainees’ pockets
Wednesday, 29 January 2020

More money in trainees’ pockets

In 2019, training allowances based on collective wage agreements increased across Germany by an average of 3.8% to €939 gross per month. The rise in allowances was thus similar to that recorded in 2018 (3.7%).

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2019 development of the training market
Wednesday, 11 December 2019

2019 development of the training market

Due to demographic trends, the demand from young people for dual training positions has fallen to under 600,000 for the first time. There was also a fall in the number of training positions on offer as well as newly concluded dual training contracts.

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BIBB publishes its 2018 ranking list for training occupations
Wednesday, 13 March 2019

BIBB publishes its 2018 ranking list for training occupations

Impressive start: Around 1,300 training contracts have been concluded in 2018 in the new training occupation of “management assistant in e-commerce”. With just over 15,000 new contracts the occupation of information technology specialist made it position 7 in the Top 10.

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Occupational advancement with VET—men at a clear advantage
Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Occupational advancement with VET—men at a clear advantage

Around eleven percent of skilled workers in Germany who have completed dual VET carry out higher level tasks for which a higher qualification is typically required. Men have a clear advantage over women, as the new issue of BIBB REPORT shows.

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Development of training allowances in 2018: Higher increases again
Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Development of training allowances in 2018: Higher increases again

In 2018, training allowances based on collective wage agreements increased across Germany by an average of 3.7%. The increase was thus stronger than in 2017 (2.6%). Throughout Germany, the average training allowance was €908 gross per month. This is shown by a BIBB analysis.

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BIBB analysis of the training market development in 2018
Wednesday, 12 December 2018

BIBB analysis of the training market development in 2018

More company-based training places on offer, more newly concluded training contracts, but also more unfilled training positions as well as an increase of men and decrease of women applying for trining positions – the are the results of the BIBB analysis of the training market development in 2018.

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More refugees in dual VET – Skilled trades report significant growth
Tuesday, 27 November 2018

More refugees in dual VET – Skilled trades report significant growth

There has been a sharp rise in the number of foreign trainees who are citizens of one of the most common non-European asylum countries of origin. Significant growth has been reported by the skilled trades. These are the findings from a special analysis by BIBB.

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Company survey shows: There is no way around vocational education and training!
Thursday, 7 June 2018

Company survey shows: There is no way around vocational education and training!

Internal training remains the ideal way for many companies to secure their requirements for skilled workers over the long term. These are the findings of a BIBB company survey, which were presented at the opening of the BIBB Congress in Berlin.

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Top 10 in 2017 – BIBB ranking list of newly concluded dual training contracts
Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Top 10 in 2017 – BIBB ranking list of newly concluded dual training contracts

In 2017, over a third of all new training contracts were once more concluded in just ten occupations. The results indicate a highly significant gender dominance in many occupations. Information technology specialist is a new entry at number nine in the list.

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Training market 2017: Positive developments – BIBB data in interactive regional maps for the first time
Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Training market 2017: Positive developments – BIBB data in interactive regional maps for the first time

More training places offered, more young people seeking dual VET, more training contracts - but also more unfilled training places: These are the key findings of the BIBB analyses of training market development in 2017, visualized in interactive regional maps for the first time.

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Not always just a purely male domain - men and women in technical training occupations
Thursday, 20 April 2017

Not always just a purely male domain - men and women in technical training occupations

Despite numerous measures to increase the number of women training in technical occupations, the proportion has not increased in more than 20 years. However, "typically female" technical occupations definitely exist, even if it is just a few.

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Top 10 training occupations for 2016 – BIBB analysis on new contracts
Monday, 3 April 2017

Top 10 training occupations for 2016 – BIBB analysis on new contracts

The ten most strongly represented occupations remain unchanged from 2016 at the top of the ranking of newly concluded dual education and training contracts. While information technology specialist has climbed significantly, the number of new contracts for bank clerks went down.

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Training allowances based on collective wage agreements 2016: The East is catching up
Thursday, 5 January 2017

Training allowances based on collective wage agreements 2016: The East is catching up

Training allowances based on collective wage agreements rose significantly once again in 2016 – an increase of 3.2 % in the West and 4.9 % in the East. According to a BIBB evaluation the average training allowance for the whole of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2016 was €854 per month.

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Young people with a higher education entrance qualification are increasingly discovering VET
Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Young people with a higher education entrance qualification are increasingly discovering VET

Rising proportions of trainees in possession of a higher education entrance qualification are being recorded across all areas of responsibility within dual VET. For the first time, their interest in entering training is higher than amongst those with a lower secondary school leaving qualification.

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BIBB evaluation of protection and safety service staff and specialist
Thursday, 21 July 2016

BIBB evaluation of protection and safety service staff and specialist

The evaluation of the training occupations protection and safety service staff and specialist illustrates an overall high level of satisfaction with the two job descriptions. However, they are also characterized by low success rates in the examinations and a high level of contract termination.

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Trainees continue to enjoy a positive development in their earnings
Thursday, 7 January 2016

Trainees continue to enjoy a positive development in their earnings

In 2015, training allowances based on collective wage agreements rose significantly for the fourth year in succession. The average gross amount earned by trainees in Germany was 826 € per month (+ 3.9 %). In West Germany earnings rose to 832 € (+ 3.7 %), in the East to 769 € (+ 4.3 %).

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New apprenticeship contracts: More than a third in only ten professions
Tuesday, 17 February 2015

New apprenticeship contracts: More than a third in only ten professions

The occupation of office manager is the new frontrunner in the 2014 ranking of vocational training occupations when it comes to new apprenticeship contracts. More than 29,100 young people nationwide had signed a new apprenticeship contract for this occupation by the cut-off date of 30 September.

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