The labour market and vocational education and training
The labour market and the VET system are characterised by a series of contrary developments. Following an overview of the main challenges and of current trends, it outlines developments on the labour market and training market and presents the ensuing changes for companies.
Due to demographic trends, the demand from young people for dual training positions has fallen to under 600,000 for the first time. There was also a fall in the number of training positions on offer as well as newly concluded dual training contracts.
Wednesday, 9 January 2019
Development of training allowances in 2018: Higher increases again
In 2018, training allowances based on collective wage agreements increased across Germany by an average of 3.7%. The increase was thus stronger than in 2017 (2.6%). Throughout Germany, the average training allowance was €908 gross per month. This is shown by a BIBB analysis.
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
BIBB analysis of the training market development in 2018
More company-based training places on offer, more newly concluded training contracts, but also more unfilled training positions as well as an increase of men and decrease of women applying for trining positions – the are the results of the BIBB analysis of the training market development in 2018.
Thursday, 15 November 2018
BIBB study on young people with a migration background
The third generation of young people with a migration background are just as successful in the search for a training position as young people without a migration background. The results are presented in the latest issue of the BIBB REPORT series.
Wednesday, 7 March 2018
Top 10 in 2017 – BIBB ranking list of newly concluded dual training contracts
In 2017, over a third of all new training contracts were once more concluded in just ten occupations. The results indicate a highly significant gender dominance in many occupations. Information technology specialist is a new entry at number nine in the list.
Thursday, 4 January 2018
Training allowances 2017: Slower rise
In 2017, training allowances based on collective wage agreements rose across Germany by an average of 2.6%. Average trainee remuneration across Germany for 2017 was €876 gross per month. The recent BIBB analysis shows that this rise was significantly weaker than in previous years.
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
Training market 2017: Positive developments – BIBB data in interactive regional maps for the first time
More training places offered, more young people seeking dual VET, more training contracts - but also more unfilled training places: These are the key findings of the BIBB analyses of training market development in 2017, visualized in interactive regional maps for the first time.
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
Training market is stable
Compared to the previous year training place supply remained stable. The number of training contracts concluded with young men rose while the number of contracts with young women declined. These are the results of the BIBB analyses conducted into the development of the training market in 2016.