
Interview with Alessandro Mele
Friday, 14 June 2024

Interview with Alessandro Mele

On the occasion of the BILT Bridging Event in Como, Italy, we asked Alessandro Mele, President of Cometa, to comment on the conference’s focus and some of its highlights. Cometa, a UNEVOC Centre and European Centre for Inclusive Excellence, is the TVET provider that hosted the event.

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BILT Bridging Event Europe 2024
Friday, 10 May 2024

BILT Bridging Event Europe 2024

The 2024 BILT Bridging Event: “Towards Inclusive Excellence in TVET” took place in Como, Italy, from 22 to 24 April. Around 70 TVET experts from the regions Europe, Africa, and Asia-Pacific attended in person, while up to 260 guests from around the world followed the highlights of the event online.

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Temasek Polytechnic: BILT partner visits BIBB
Monday, 18 March 2024

Temasek Polytechnic: BILT partner visits BIBB

Addressing the skilled worker shortage, cooperating with industry partners and integrating generative AI in VET – these were the topics of a fruitful discussion between a delegation from Temasek Polytechnic (TP, Singapore) and the “Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET” (BILT) team at BIBB.

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BILT Learning Forum 2023 in Bonn
Thursday, 16 November 2023

BILT Learning Forum 2023 in Bonn

Around 100 vocational education and training experts from Africa, Asia-Pacific and Europe took part in the event on-site with nearly an additional 400 participants online.

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BILT Asia-Pacific Conference
Monday, 31 July 2023

BILT Asia-Pacific Conference

In June 2023, the regional conference of the “Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET” (BILT) initiative was held in Singapore. The event focused on the impact of digitalisation and greening on technical and vocational education and training, particularly for the hospitality and tourism sector.

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Best practice examples and recommendations for dual training in Latin America
Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Best practice examples and recommendations for dual training in Latin America

The findings and recommendations from five country studies on dual training approaches in Latin America are now available. The publication will be presented in a virtual event on Oct. 20 at 4 p.m. German time.

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VR authoring tools strengthen learning quality in Indonesia's vocational schools.
Wednesday, 1 June 2022

VR authoring tools strengthen learning quality in Indonesia's vocational schools.

What challenges in Indonesia's TVET system can be addressed through the use of VR-based learning content? What role do teachers play in developing such learning opportunities and how can EdTech companies, policy makers and schools work together to successfully embed VR technologies in education?

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German-Indonesian exchange on the future of VET
Thursday, 9 September 2021

German-Indonesian exchange on the future of VET

How can VET institutions, companies and governments contribute to the development of VET to adequately prepare young people for the demands of the modern world of work? To explore this question, BIBB took part in an exchange with Indonesian and German representatives.

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BIBB contributed to UNESCO-UNEVOC study
Wednesday, 9 December 2020

BIBB contributed to UNESCO-UNEVOC study

A study on ‚Boosting gender equality in science and technology. A challenge for TVET programmes and careers‘ was published by UNESCO-UNEVOC with the support of BIBB.

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BILT workshop on Migration and TVET
Thursday, 19 December 2019

BILT workshop on Migration and TVET

Participants from nine European countries (Italy, Malta, Sweden, Finland, Cyprus, Netherlands, Spain, Germany and United Kingdom) met for a workshop on ‘Migration in TVET’ at the University of Nottingham, UK, from 10 to 11 December 2019.

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International experts discuss innovation in VET in Bonn
Monday, 9 December 2019

International experts discuss innovation in VET in Bonn

From 2 to 3 December 2019, over 100 delegates from 40 countries came together as part of the “UNEVOC Global Forum on Advancing Learning and Innovation in TVET”. Prof. Dr. Hubert Ertl, Director of Research and Vice President of BIBB, chaired the closing panel discussion.

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BILT Workshop on New Qualifications and Competencies in TVET
Tuesday, 26 November 2019

BILT Workshop on New Qualifications and Competencies in TVET

How do new qualifications and competencies find their way into practice, both through their integration in curricula and their implementation in teaching and training? This question was at the core of the workshop that took place in Lausanne from 12-13 November 2019.

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BILT workshop on Greening TVET
Monday, 25 November 2019

BILT workshop on Greening TVET

The workshop on Innovative European Initiatives for Greening TVET took place at Paola/Malta from 23-24 October 2019. It addressed current challenges related to the increasing demand for green skills from the labour market perspective and the impact of integrating green skills into the curriculum.

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BILT workshop on Entrepreneurship in TVET
Monday, 25 November 2019

BILT workshop on Entrepreneurship in TVET

The Basque UNEVOC centre TKNIKA hosted the third of five thematic workshops within the BILT project corresponding from 30-31 October 2019 in San Sebastian/Spain. Experts from various European countries presented and analyzed innovative practices in Entrepreneurship.

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First BILT workshop on Digitalization / Industry 4.0
Thursday, 31 October 2019

First BILT workshop on Digitalization / Industry 4.0

The first of five thematic workshops within the BILT project tackled current challenges of Digitalization/Industry 4.0 in TVET. It took place at OsloMet in Norway on 02-03 October 2019. Experts from ten European countries presented and analyzed innovative practices in Digitalization and TVET.

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Photo competition as part of the World Youth Skills Day
Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Photo competition as part of the World Youth Skills Day

On 15 July, the 4. World Youth Skills Day took place, which was organised by the United Nations together with World Skills International. As part of this event, the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training took part in the "SkillsInAction Photo Competition".

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Participants of UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme visit BIBB pilot project
Thursday, 5 July 2018

Participants of UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme visit BIBB pilot project

In light of the ongoing international debates on "Greening TVET" and "Sustainability of TVET" participants of the UNEVOC Leadership Programme visited the BIBB pilot project "FOENAKO" to learn about the application of sustainability integration in TVET training in Germany.

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BIBB taking part in consolidation workshop of UNEVOC network in Europe
Friday, 23 March 2018

BIBB taking part in consolidation workshop of UNEVOC network in Europe

As part of UNESCO-UNEVOC's efforts to strengthen the engagement of European UNEVOC Centres in Europe, BIBB as UNEVOC Centre participated in a European UNEVOC network consolidation workshop, held at the UN Campus in Bonn.

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Event in Bonn marks launch of GEM Report in Germany
Monday, 27 November 2017

Event in Bonn marks launch of GEM Report in Germany

The 2017/8 Global Education Monitoring Report “Accountability in Education: Meeting our Commitments” was launched at the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in Bonn, organized by the German Commission for UNESCO. Representatives from BIBB also attended the event.

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Successful start for international workshop
Thursday, 22 June 2017

Successful start for international workshop

BIBB and UNESCO-UNEVOC invited scholars from the UNEVOC network and beyond to gather in Bonn to discuss research and implementation strategies in the field of work-based learning and competence-based education.

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UNESCO revised Recommendation concerning TVET
Monday, 4 April 2016

UNESCO revised Recommendation concerning TVET

As a partner institute of the United Nations International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (UNESCO-UNEVOC), the BIBB, represented by Director of Research Reinhold Weiß and Birgit Thomann, played an active role in the revision process.

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Call for tender: Mapping the research about work-based learning
Friday, 11 March 2016

Call for tender: Mapping the research about work-based learning

BIBB and UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training are undertaking a collaboration research project which is envisaged to support the creation of a comparative knowledge base on the character and relevance of work-based learning in different contexts.

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