The perspective of apprentices in the monitoring of vocational education and training policy
Providing valuable input for education policy decisions, monitoring is essential for evidence-based VET policy. But how is the perspective of trainees captured? This article shows how the perspectives of trainees are systematically captured through surveys in Denmark, Switzerland and Germany.
Based on 2023 Spotlights on VET, this brochure provides a concise overview of the VET system in each country of the EU, Iceland and Norway. Next to a system chart, it outlines key features of VET as well as challenges and policy responses on two pages per country.
The Cedefop ReferNet database with detailed information on VET systems in the EU, Iceland and Norway, has been updated. It is worth taking a look at the diagrams, as they provide an excellent overview of the variety of systems in Europe; generate reports or compare by country and topic!
Transparency is crucial in shaping a European Education Area. Its aim is to facilitate communication between the different national education systems. BWP issue 2/2025 “European transparency instruments” takes a look at different instruments, reflecting their origins and relevance to VET in Europe.
An overview of vocational education and training initiatives and programmes in Germany in 2023, successful approaches and challenges from the perspective of European priority setting.
BIBB will again be a partner of Cedefop in the ReferNet network for the next 4 years. Following a successful application, the ReferNet team at BIBB will continue to report on VET policy developments in Germany and provide information on European initiatives.
The International Handbook of Vocational Education and Training (IHBB) has celebrated its 25th anniversary. The editors marked the occasion by presenting a new collected volume to around 50 invited guests and also took the opportunity to look back at the history of this series of BIBB publications.
The International Expert Monitor on work-based learning in IVET
As part of the IEM–project, the first virtual workshop “IEM Results, Reflections and the next Round” took place on 12th of October 2022. At the invitation of the BIBB the participating international experts from the IEM-network exchanged their views on the results from the first survey round.
Best practice examples and recommendations for dual training in Latin America
The findings and recommendations from five country studies on dual training approaches in Latin America are now available. The publication will be presented in a virtual event on Oct. 20 at 4 p.m. German time.
BIBB has set itself the goal of strengthening cooperation between the national VET research institutions in Europe. The role of research is to be worked out by means of a survey and in various events and possibilities for cooperation are to be discussed.
30 high-ranking representatives of national VET institutes and research facilities from 14 European countries met at a virtual conference at the invitation of BIBB to exchange views on VET research in Europe and in its international environment.
The international research team is driving the project forward by means of, among other things, regular online project meetings, a contribution to the 32nd SASE conference and a newly acquired project partner.
Academic researchers from BIBB held a working meeting with colleagues from their Italian partner institute the INAPP (National Institute for Public Policy Analysis) on 12 June as part of an EU research project.
The editors of the International Handbook of Vocational Education and Training (IHVET) convened for a meeting at BIBB on 16 April. Future country studies and those currently being prepared were discussed. The agenda also included preparations for the 25th anniversary of the IHVET in 2020.
Within the scope of a BIBB research project the role of stakeholders in VET in times of digitalisation is analysed in Germany and Switzerland. Developments and their implications for the respective VET systems are compared.
On 30 November 2018, BIBB experts met with representatives of VET institutions from Switzerland, Austria, Australia and Canada in a workshop on the comparability of data on in-company vocational education and training to discuss the further development of the existing indicators.
Building apprentices' skills in the workplace: Car service in Germany, the UK and Spain
The paper published at the London School of Economics is the result of an international collaboration between Hilary Steedman (former member of BIBB's scientific advisory board) and researchers from BIBB. It's based on two comparative research projects conducted by BIBB researcher Philipp Grollmann.
This special edition of BWP singles out some of the current subjects to be discussed within the professional community and by the interested public at national, European and international level.
International research project on recruitment and induction (INDUCT II)
How are company recruitment and induction processes structured in the motor vehicle service, healthcare and nursing sectors in Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain, and South Korea? The international comparative research project INDUCT II looks at these questions.