Labour market and vocational education and training
In times of societal transformation, the interaction between the labour market and VET is facing considerable challenges. This issue of BWP asks how VET can be structured in a way which enables it to keep pace with the speed of the transformation.
This issue of BWP explores how AI can be used for vocational learning and looks at the experiences and academic research findings that are available. It also focuses on the impetuses provided by AI for the further development of learning processes.
This issue of BWP investigates which sectors and occupations are facing particular demands as a result of climate change, how the ecological transformation is affecting the development and training of skilled workers and what challenges are emerging for the VET system.
The examination system is being altered by reforms and by digitalisation. The pressure to modernise is considerable. This issue sets out the current challenges and presents research results and approaches towards the further development of the examination system which have been adopted in practice.
New QuBe projections for the development of a hydrogen economy show positive economic impulses for an entire period up to 2045: a higher gross domestic product, more jobs and people in employment. At the same time, there will be an increasing demand for skilled labour.
Skilled workers monitoring for the BMAS - medium-term projection until 2026
In some occupational groups, such as the construction occupations, a shortage of skilled workers is already being highlighted today. The current skilled workers monitoring up to 2026 forecasts increasing challenges for the economy to recruit skilled workers.
How is digitalisation changing occupational learning? This issue of BWP looks at learning contents, at the competencies that need to be imparted and at methodological and didactic questions.
Demand for skilled workers induced by the objectives of the new federal government
The new federal government has set ambitious targets for climate protection and social housing. A new BIBB study shows how this will affect the demand for skilled workers and whether it can be met by the existing supply.
Invasion of Ukraine: Implications for the labour market and the economy
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has extensive implications for Germany and the rest of the world. A new QuBe study shows how this will affect the German economy and labour market as well as areas of action that can mitigate the impending consequences.
This issue looks at the immigration of qualified skilled workers. It addresses strategies for the recruitment, training and integration of a foreign labour supply. The general prevailing structural conditions, initiatives at company and sector level and guidance provision are discussed.
The German federal government's coalition agreement outlines a transformation of Germany towards a socio-ecological market economy. We therefore address the question of how such a transition can be modelled in a socio-economic structural model such as the one used in the QuBe project.
Effects of climate protection measures on the economy and labour market
A new study carried out by the QuBe project on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs estimates the effects of climate protection measures on the labour market and the economy up to 2025.
The National Hydrogen Strategy and its implications for the labour market
On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the QuBe project is investigating the implications of the National Hydrogen Strategy for the German labour market. An initial report presents the current state of research on the labour market consequences of a hydrogen economy in Germany.
Publication of QuBe basic projection dossiers on occupation
As part of the 6th wave of the BIBB-IAB Qualification and Occupational projections, dossiers on occupations for 36 main occupational groups have been compiled for the first time. Using various indicators, they illustrate the development of the individual occupations in the basic projection.
The QuBe-Classification of Competencies - methodology and results of a projection
The QuBe project has developed its own classification of competencies, which can be used to project current skills requirements on the labour market into the future. A newly published study presents its operationalisation and further analyses.
This issue of BWP looks at new areas of potential and arising challenges for the cooperation between learning venues. It provides readers with food for thought and presents examples of good practice.
Open educational resources for more sustainability in transport and logistics
The module handbook of Pro-DEENLA is an example of how open educational resources (OER) can work in VET. It is aimed at trainees and trainers in freight forwarding and logistics. We talked to Harald Hantke from the University of Lüneburg about why the Pro-DEENLA tasks have international relevance.
In an interview, that was first released for the re:publica 2020, BIBB President Esser answers questions about the current "systemically relevant" issues and challenges in the Corona crisis. The interview is now available on the BIBB YouTube channel with subtitles in English, Russian and Spanish.
“Digital media in VET” roadshow goes international
The nationally successful “Digital media in VET” roadshow has now also made its international debut. BIBB and Asia-based VET stakeholders presented examples of good practice at the specialist trade fair „Worlddidac Asia“ in Bangkok.
The current trend is for digital competence measurement
Digitalisation is opening up new opportunities for measuring competencies of trainees. Research indicates a clear trend towards computer-based testing tools. This is the finding of a literature-based overview study by BIBB which has now been published.
Monday, 16 September 2019
VET Trends 2019
This special English edition of BWP singles out some of the current subjects to be discussed within the professional community and by the interested public at national and international level. Included are articles on digital transformation, transitions to work and international VET reforms.
Technological progress has always taken place. But what causes it? Who or what drives it? And what are its impacts? Twelve video interviews with well-known researchers from different disciplines contribute to the present debate surrounding the future of society and work in a digital age.
Tuesday, 30 April 2019
Who will save work? – BIBB and GOVET at „re:publica“ in Berlin
BIBB and GOVET will be presenting innovative approaches and successful practical examples in VET at the “re:publica” Conference in Berlin from 6 to 8 May.
Friday, 15 February 2019
Fifth TASKS Conference
“Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work” was the title of an international conference staged by the IAB, the ZEW, and BIBB. The event examined possible implications of digitalisation of the world of work.
BIBB analysis of the training market development in 2018
More company-based training places on offer, more newly concluded training contracts, but also more unfilled training positions as well as an increase of men and decrease of women applying for trining positions – the are the results of the BIBB analysis of the training market development in 2018.
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
VET Data Report Germany 2016/2017
The development of the German VET system and more specifically of the dual system relies on regular data collection. The Data Report of the BIBB is a selection of most relevant and actual data on the German VET system.
More than 300 participants from the European Union and neighbouring countries accepted the invitation of the European Training Foundation (ETF) to discuss changes on the labour market from a skills perspective in Turin/Italy from 21 to 22 November 2018.
The impact of digitalisation is already significant
Key findings from the initiative entitled “Qualifications and competencies of skilled workers for the digitalised work of tomorrow”, which has been implemented as a joint initiative by the BMBF and BIBB, were presented and discussed in the context of VET 4.0 at a symposium in Bensberg near Cologne.
The 2035 labour market: Population growth with low unemployment
An increase in the population, hostorically low unemployment and shortages of skilled workers in specific occupations – especially in health care occupations – will characterise the labour market in Germany in 2035. This is shown by current projections by BIBB and IAB.
Friday, 9 November 2018
German-Brazilian symposium in São Paulo
Around 200 participants from business, academia and policy making discussed developments in the field of digitalisation from 30 to 31 October 2018. The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training was also involved in the dialogue with the theme “Working and Learning in a Digital World".