The perspective of apprentices in the monitoring of vocational education and training policy
Providing valuable input for education policy decisions, monitoring is essential for evidence-based VET policy. But how is the perspective of trainees captured? This article shows how the perspectives of trainees are systematically captured through surveys in Denmark, Switzerland and Germany.
Virtual Book Launch Sustainability in Vocational Education and Training – National and International Experiences
What role does sustainability play in international VET cooperation? In December, GOVET published a publication on this topic in December 2024, which was developed in collaboration with 22 authors from eleven countries. GOVET is organising a virtual book launch for 29 January 2025.
3rd German-African Forum on Vocational Training and Education
Under the motto "Boosting future skills and partnerships for sustainable growth", decision-makers from education, business and politics, including the education ministers from Benin, Madagascar and Nigeria, met in Berlin on 2 October 2024 for the "3rd German-African Forum on VET".
Africa Skills Week: Global cooperation for excellent vocational education and training
The BILT Bridging Event in Ghana offered a platform for political exchange in the context of the African Union’s Africa Skills Week. In Accra, discussions were held with African and international VET stakeholders: What could a global agenda for excellent vocational education and training look like?
Based on 2023 Spotlights on VET, this brochure provides a concise overview of the VET system in each country of the EU, Iceland and Norway. Next to a system chart, it outlines key features of VET as well as challenges and policy responses on two pages per country.
The Cedefop ReferNet database with detailed information on VET systems in the EU, Iceland and Norway, has been updated. It is worth taking a look at the diagrams, as they provide an excellent overview of the variety of systems in Europe; generate reports or compare by country and topic!
Transparency is crucial in shaping a European Education Area. Its aim is to facilitate communication between the different national education systems. BWP issue 2/2025 “European transparency instruments” takes a look at different instruments, reflecting their origins and relevance to VET in Europe.
New presidency of the Alliance for VET in Latin America and the Caribbean
At the invitation of the presidency of the Alliance for VET in Latin America and the Caribbean, INFOTEP, BIBB and ILO/Cinterfor, the members of the Alliance and representatives from politics, business and practice discussed the pillars of dual VET at an international conference in Santo Domingo.
BILT publication on vocational education and training in tourism and hospitality
A report and compendium of innovative practice examples have been published after a year of intensive collaboration between some 30 experts from Africa, Asia and Europe, as well as international organisations.
An overview of vocational education and training initiatives and programmes in Germany in 2023, successful approaches and challenges from the perspective of European priority setting.
The broshure "Developing Skills for Employability with German Partners – 8 Case Studies of Soft Skills Training" presents eight vocational education and training success stories of German providers worldwide. The publication is available in English.
The number of applications for recognition of foreign professional qualifications continues to rise, as the new report shows. It provides information about current developments of professional recognition in Germany and reveals both successes and remaining challenges.
From 29 to 31 May 2024, the global education scene met at eLearning Africa in Rwanda. More than 1,200 visitors from 82 countries attested to the importance of the event. The preceding iMOVE visitor programme was met with great interest and a positive response from German education providers.
Singapore: Transformation in Vocational Education and Training
Education and training in the transformation process is also of great importance to PISA champion Singapore. Mechanisms of qualification for the upcoming challenges also occupy the city state's trade unions and business community - a delegation gathered inspiration during a study trip.
The Costa Rican Ministry of Education visits GOVET
Training regulations require a lot of coordination. Many stakeholders are involved in their development and implementation. Representatives of the Ministry of Education in Costa Rica examined this issue on a study trip and exchanged ideas and views with BIBB colleagues and companies in the region.
On the occasion of the BILT Bridging Event in Como, Italy, we asked Alessandro Mele, President of Cometa, to comment on the conference’s focus and some of its highlights. Cometa, a UNEVOC Centre and European Centre for Inclusive Excellence, is the TVET provider that hosted the event.
BIBB reinforces its role in Indonesia as an internationally recognised centre of excellence for vocational education and training
On 12 June, BIBB President Friedrich Hubert Esser gave a keynote address in Jakarta at the invitation of the Indonesian Ministry for Economic Affairs and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). The speech formed part of an international VET conference.
First TVET Symposium in Ghana is a complete success
At the first TVET Symposium in Ghana, the CVET joined forces with GOVET and the BMBF to stage an impressive programme which also included the presentation of a Declaration of Intent for further bilateral cooperation in VET and the launch of Ghana’s second Vocational Education and Training Report.
This was GOVET's working year 2023: The annual report highlights success stories, new formats, challenges and topics from GOVET's advisory work in a multimedia overview: as a one-stop shop for the international VET-cooperation, at the round table and in the ministry's (BMBF) collaborations.
How can modules of the German dual VET system be transferred to the Indonesian context? BIBB accompanied a high-ranking delegation from Indonesia to a training centre in Berlin to discuss this question.
The 2024 BILT Bridging Event: “Towards Inclusive Excellence in TVET” took place in Como, Italy, from 22 to 24 April. Around 70 TVET experts from the regions Europe, Africa, and Asia-Pacific attended in person, while up to 260 guests from around the world followed the highlights of the event online.
BIBB is supporting the further development of Ethiopia’s VET strategy. Two workshops in Ethiopia on VET governance and financing models in and the visit of an Ethiopian delegation of high-ranking political actors to BIBB marked the start of the cooperation.
This issue of BWP provides numerical data which forms the basis for an objective debate on what has been achieved thus far and on the remaining challenges in respect of sustainably promoting integration in and via vocational education and training.
Addressing the skilled worker shortage, cooperating with industry partners and integrating generative AI in VET – these were the topics of a fruitful discussion between a delegation from Temasek Polytechnic (TP, Singapore) and the “Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET” (BILT) team at BIBB.
Indonesia continues to trust in approaches from dual VET to secure skilled workers
Indonesia has trusted in BIBB’s advice for the “revitalisation of TVET” since 2019. Preparations to continue the advisory project were made at a working meeting in Berlin.
The "German Teaching Method Competence Center", a cooperative venture with the Institute for Training and Careers, opened at Shunde Polytechnic College at the end of 2023. The role of the Competence Center is to shape transformation processes for Vocational Education and Training 4.0.
Together with project partners in Mongolia, Bau Bildung Sachsen – a construction training provider based in Saxony, Germany – is using curricula, teaching materials and training activities to deliver expertise in all matters relating to drinking water and integrated water resource management.
Trainer exchange Costa Rica and Germany - first-hand experience
"From trainer to trainer..." - In order to learn from each other, direct dialogue is often the best. This was the experience of Enrique Mejia Cespedes from the Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje Costa Rica. With the support of GOVET, he realised an exchange of trainers at the Schlosshotel Gedern.
BIBB will again be a partner of Cedefop in the ReferNet network for the next 4 years. Following a successful application, the ReferNet team at BIBB will continue to report on VET policy developments in Germany and provide information on European initiatives.
From the occupational description to the training plan – BIBB/GOVET staged two workshops in Costa Rica with participants from the country’s Ministry of Education and National Education Institute on the development and implementation of training regulations in the Costa-Rican training system.
At the end of October, a Costa Rican delegation learnt about VET in the areas of IT and cyber security. Together with GOVET, participants from the Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje (INA) visited companies and institutions to discover more about the various training opportunities.
Around 100 vocational education and training experts from Africa, Asia-Pacific and Europe took part in the event on-site with nearly an additional 400 participants online.
10 years of successful international vocational education and training cooperation – review and outlook
Major stakeholders marked a significant anniversary by convening to debate international vocational education and training cooperation. The central focus was on the contribution this collaboration can make to meeting current and future challenges.
19 becomes one! Looking back at Ghana’s harmonisation process in vocational education and training
The Ghanaian VET system has undergone radical reforms since 2020. Prior to this point, responsibility for VET rested with a total of 19 ministries. Due to the reform process, this competence was centrally allocated to the Ministry of Education in 2020. What has changed, what has happened since?
International Conference from Nov. 30 to Dec. 1, 2023 in Bonn: VET, Skilled Workers and Transformation
BIBB organizes an international conference in Bonn that brings together researchers from different disciplines to highlight and discuss the active contribution of VET and skilled workers to technological and ecological innovation. Registration is now open.
Italy – reforms for modern vocational education and training
Italy is modernising its vocational education and training and seeking to simplify access. The aim is for current reform projects to pave the way, something which became clear at the Technical Meeting in Rome.
In June 2023, the regional conference of the “Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET” (BILT) initiative was held in Singapore. The event focused on the impact of digitalisation and greening on technical and vocational education and training, particularly for the hospitality and tourism sector.
GOVET brochure about Initial and continuing vocational education and training in Germany now available in four languages
The occupational structure in Germany is undergoing constant change. The GOVET brochure entitled: “Initial and continuing vocational education and training. A summary of vocational training opportunities in Germany” provides helpful guidance and is now available in French and Spanish.
On 20 and 21 June, colleagues from the higher VET department at the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills gained an insight into higher VET qualification in Germany. The agenda included talks at BIBB but also at a chamber of skilled crafts and a company.
South Africa: Sustainability in vocational education and training
South Africa and its neighbors are developing strategies for vocational education that promote a sustainable and green economy. Experts from both countries recently exchanged ideas during a study tour in Berlin which included participation at the re:publica conference.
Working group from Costa Rica on VET visits Germany
Getting to know Germany's dual VET system in all its facets was the declared goal of the working group from Costa Rica's VET Commission. With this in mind, GOVET organised a one-week study visit to Germany for the ten-member delegation. The conclusion of the participants at the end: Goal achieved.
How do we understand early leaving from VET in Germany? The situation is presented based on two indicators. Further, factors that can lead to a premature termination of training are addressed and preventive measures are presented. The impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on ELVET concludes the report.
Another partner in vocational education and training in Latin America
With the signing of a cooperation agreement, BIBB and the Inter-American Centre for Knowledge Development in Vocational Training of the International Labour Organization (ILO/Cinterfor) deepen their commitment and interest in working and learning together in vocational education and training.
Representatives of Thailand’s VET system undertook a five-day study tour to Germany in order to learn about various aspects of dual VET. VET research as a focal point of interest led the delegation to BIBB.
The broshure "Developing Skills for Employability with German Partners – 8 Case Studies from the Hospitality and Tourism Sector" presents eight vocational education and training success stories of German providers worldwide.
VET in Great Britain: Skills shortage as a key challenge
There is a shortage of well-trained skilled workers in the UK - in an ageing society. The United Kingdom wants to strengthen its vocational training system and is looking to Germany to do so. VET experts from both countries exchanged views at an event hosted by GIUK London.
New institutional cooperation: BIBB cooperates with the Commission for TVET Ghana
BIBB maintains cooperation agreements with a total of 32 vocational training and research institutes worldwide. The latest addition is the cooperation with Ghana, building upon the committed cooperation of GOVET and CTVET.
Tourism: modern vocational training as a solution to the shortage of skilled workers
The tourism industry offers many training opportunities and yet struggles with declining training numbers. On the other hand, dual training secures the skilled workers of tomorrow - but how exactly is it implemented? GOVET visited companies, schools and chambers with a delegation from Costa Rica.
Informal learning in vocational education and training – a meaningless myth?
What role plays informal learning in VET worldwide? International researchers and experts exchanged on this topic at the regular annual conference staged by the German Research Center for Comparative Vocational Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.), which is based at the University of Cologne.
A reinforcement of Germany’s commitment to vocational education and training in Ghana – the educataGhana 2022
This year’s educataGhana offered an attractive and forward-looking picture to its audience by showcasing a number of remarkable further developments in vocational education and training, such as the first TVET Report. It also shows the success of bilateral VET cooperation with German institutions.
Skilled worker shortage in the water and wastewater industry – a worldwide challenge
Water is a vital raw material and a human right. Within the context of global efforts to secure a supply of skilled workers for such a key resource, multipliers from sub-Saharan Africa undertook a study visit to look at aspects of German initial and continuing training in the (waste)water sector.
The education and training organisation of employers from Germany's south-western state of Baden-Württemberg (Bildungswerk der Baden-Württembergischen Wirtschaft) is using the "PartnerRwanda" project to implement dual training programmes and practice-based short-term training in Rwanda.
The broshure "Developing Skills for Employability with German Partners" presents eight vocational education and training success stories of German providers worldwide. The publication is available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
European “Peer Learning Activity”: VET and the green transition
On 24-25 October, 41 experts from across Europe discussed the role of vocational education and training for the ecological transformation. To get insight into German best practices, the European Working Group was invited to Bonn by the BMBF and the European Commission.
The International Handbook of Vocational Education and Training (IHBB) has celebrated its 25th anniversary. The editors marked the occasion by presenting a new collected volume to around 50 invited guests and also took the opportunity to look back at the history of this series of BIBB publications.
BIBB and South Korea join forces to conduct research into the future of work and of VET
The recent BIBB Congress afforded an opportunity for the President of KRIVET, our South Korean partner institute, to engage with BIBB’s senior management on a personal level.
2nd German-African Forum on Vocational Training and Education
At the 2nd German-African Forum on Vocational Training and Education organised by iMOVE and the German-African Business Association, the German education sector was introduced to around 85 attendees, including three education ministers from Angola, Ghana, and Namibia.
The International Expert Monitor on work-based learning in IVET
As part of the IEM–project, the first virtual workshop “IEM Results, Reflections and the next Round” took place on 12th of October 2022. At the invitation of the BIBB the participating international experts from the IEM-network exchanged their views on the results from the first survey round.
Best practice examples and recommendations for dual training in Latin America
The findings and recommendations from five country studies on dual training approaches in Latin America are now available. The publication will be presented in a virtual event on Oct. 20 at 4 p.m. German time.
Visit by Ghanaian delegation – a milestone in German-Ghanaian VET cooperation
BIBB hosted a high-ranking delegation led by Gifty Twum-Ampofo, Deputy Minister of Education of Ghana. This visit signifies and acknowledges the successful cooperation which GOVET supports in Ghana, in a consultative capacity, on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Training courses for employees in the electroplating industry kick off successfully
Employees from Thai electroplating companies in Bangkok attended the "Applied Electrochemistry - Practical Electroplating" course at the SCHOOLPLATE Academy for the first time. BIBB evaluated the development and implementation of the course. The evaluation report is now available.
The Cedefop ReferNet database with detailed information on VET systems in the EU, Iceland and Norway has been updated. Have a look at diagrammes, generate reports or compare by country and theme! Since 2019, the contents of the "VET in Europe" reports are available online.
Ghana – setting the future course of the Commission for TVET
How can (and must) a national vocational education and training agency be structured in order to foster a sustainable TVET system? GOVET has been working on behalf of the BMBF to advise the Ghanaian Commission for TVET on organisational development and to lay down important markers for the future.
EPALE Akademie – Organisationsentwicklung in Richtung Europäisierung
Projektarbeit auf europäischer Ebene ist eine Chance, die Organisationsentwicklung im Bereich der Erwachsenenbildung voranzutreiben und sichtbar zu machen. Dieser online Workshop zeigt am 02.09.2022 anhand praktischer Beispiele, wie die Entwicklung der eigenen Organisation gefördert werden kann.
High level interest in the German VET system from Mozambique
The Mozambican State Secretary for Vocational Education and Training visited BIBB in order to obtain greater familiarity with the VET system in Germany. Highly interesting specialist presentations and stimulating discussions provided new insights and impetuses on all sides.
The BIBB Recognition monitoring delivers current findings on the organisation, provision and challenges with regard to recognition-related training programmes in medical professions and dual occupations and draws conclusions for practice. The key points in brief are available in English.
The European network is turning 20 years in 2022! In the national teams, experts not only provide information on the national VET system, they also act as a broker of information on VET across Europe through the network.
VR authoring tools strengthen learning quality in Indonesia's vocational schools.
What challenges in Indonesia's TVET system can be addressed through the use of VR-based learning content? What role do teachers play in developing such learning opportunities and how can EdTech companies, policy makers and schools work together to successfully embed VR technologies in education?
Deutsche Management Akademie Niedersachsen (DMAN) qualifies specialists and managers for the success on international markets. DMAN offers knowledge transfer and exchange of experiences, and supports companies in their strategic development and helps them tap business potentials at home and abroad.
Costa Rica launches dual vocational education and training
A total of eight companies, three vocational schools and 34 trainees are involved in the first dual training courses in Costa Rica, which has been officially launched now. The significance of this step for young people, for the companies and for the country was highlighted at two opening ceremonies.
Online Trainer Qualification: Training for Colombian Trainers
Over 1,500 participants from eight different countries in Latin America have already successfully completed the distance learning course "Training of Trainers". There is also great interest from other countries in the region in this online offer, which has been developed by the Christiani Academy.
GOVET publication: International Perspectives on the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Vocational Education and Training
In the partner countries of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) far-reaching impacts on education and occupational systems are expected. 19 expert articles from eight countries provide national and international insights into the extraordinary situation.
2nd International BIBB Roadshow "Digital Media in VET“
With the International BIBB Roadshow 2021, BIBB offered insights into the use of digital media in VET for the 2nd time after 2019. The focus was on so-called immersive technologies, such as virtual reality, and their use in vocational training practice.
Teams of VET learners can share their experience related to green or digital skills in a photostory or video clip for a chance to win trips to the European Vocational Skills Week 2022 or to the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival.
The "Developing Skills for Employability with German Partners – 8 Case Studies from China " brochures presents eight vocational education and training success stories of German providers in China. Download the publication in English or Chinese!
How can VET institutions, companies and governments contribute to the development of VET to adequately prepare young people for the demands of the modern world of work? To explore this question, BIBB took part in an exchange with Indonesian and German representatives.
Latin America and the Caribbean establish a strategic alliance for dual VET
Vocational education and training institutions from 15 countries held an opening ceremony for the alliance for dual VET in Latin America and the Caribbean. This highlight marked the end of the regional conference of CONALEP (the BIBB partner institute in Mexico), BIBB and ILO-Cinterfor.
The development of recent years has led to Belgrade getting a vocational school, Klett EDU, which includes essential elements and practices of German dual vocational education. Currently, training courses are offered in industrial mechatronics, hotel management, welding and German.
Morocco: Training regulations as a framework for training close to the labour market
The virtual delegation visit of a group from Morocco was themed "Training regulations and how they are created". From 29 June to 1 July, experts from research and practice presented the development, implementation and evaluation of training occupations in Germany.
Our new landing page offers materials, films and presentations on VET in Germany for our target groups from Arabic-speaking countries. / تقدم صفحتنا المقصودة الجديدة المواد والأفلام والعروض التقديمية لمجموعاتنا المستهدفة من البلدان الناطقة باللغة العربية.
BIBB continues advisory in the SCHOOLPLATE project
The results of the prior exploratory phase form the basis for the realization of initial and continuing vocational education and training offers for the Thai electroplating industry under the leadership of Fraunhofer IPA. BIBB was commissioned with the process evaluation of the project.
The coronavirus pandemic is creating major challenges for VET. The crisis has shed a clearer light on existing problem situations, and the pressure to seek solutions has generated considerable momentum too. How much of this momentum will be retained and go on to leave a lasting mark on VET?
Vocational education and training institutes in the German-speaking countries stage their first virtual contact seminar
The topics debated at the 2021 Contact Seminar held together with austrian and swiss partner institutes were the need to secure a supply of qualified skilled workers and new approaches being adopted in VET research. The event took place virtually for the very first time because of the pandemic.
Erasmus+ Project EXPOVET - European joint further qualification for export experts
The project ‚Export Expert‘ held its final forum on 26 March 2021 presenting its EQF level 6 qualification for international trade. Three universities and business representatives developed this joint qualification, building up on expertise across borders of Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Germany.
Cooperation with KRIVET in South Korea extended until 2024
The long-standing and fruitful cooperation between BIBB and the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) in South Korea will be extended for another three years.
Eight video clips: Permeability in vocational education and training
What is important in the transition from school to work? Why do young people choose dual VET? What further development opportunities are there afterwards? GOVET spoke in eight video interviews with apprentices, trainers and project leaders from the field of technology.
GOVET learning video: Dual VET in Germany – now available in Indonesian
The German Dual VET system is a reference model for many countries. But what does "Dual" mean? And how does Dual VET work exactly? In the explanatory film GOVET provides answers. The film is now available in 13 languages - including an Indonesian version.
A study on ‚Boosting gender equality in science and technology. A challenge for TVET programmes and careers‘ was published by UNESCO-UNEVOC with the support of BIBB.
New Study addresses German-Italian Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training
What is the situation with German-Italian relationships in vocational education and training? What cooperation projects and partnerships are there and who are the actors involved? These questions are the focus of a new research project as part of the two countries' TVET cooperation.
Cooperation agreement with Vietnam prolonged until 2023
The trilateral agreement between BIBB, National Institute for Vocational Education and Training (NIVT) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has been prolonged for three years. The cooperation focuses on the implementation of a sustainable monitoring system in Vietnam.
German-Israeli Programme for Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training: Creating prospects together
Germany and Israel have very different vocational education and training systems, but the challenges are similar. At the “German-Israeli Forum”, representatives from the German Ministry of Education and the Israeli Ministry of Labour discussed priority areas for future cooperation
The "Developing Skills for Employability with German Partners – 8 Case Studies from the Mobility and Logistics Sector " brochures presents eight vocational education and training success stories of German and international partners. Download the publication!
Railway-Specific Vocational Education for Young Emiratis
To be prepared for the future challenges of the railway market in the United Arab Emirates, the local railway organization Etihad Rail DB commissioned the German company DB Engineering & Consulting to develop and implement a sustainable vocational education program for young Emiratis.
On 19 November 2020, four German training providers presented their offers of preparation courses for skilled labour and future apprenticies from India, who intend to work or train in Germany.
BIBB has set itself the goal of strengthening cooperation between the national VET research institutions in Europe. The role of research is to be worked out by means of a survey and in various events and possibilities for cooperation are to be discussed.
In 2019, GOVET published a survey on behalf of BMBF on the state of research in vocational education and training in Sub-Saharan Africa. This survey has now been translated into English and two new chapters added. It makes an active contribution to the research landscape of Sub-Saharan Africa.
European Vocational Skills Week: ‘VET for Green and Digital Transitions'
The European Vocational Skills Week 2020 will take place digitally across the European Union from 9 to 13 November 2020. It is organised by the European Commission in partnership with the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, as part of the German Presidency of the Council of the EU.
30 high-ranking representatives of national VET institutes and research facilities from 14 European countries met at a virtual conference at the invitation of BIBB to exchange views on VET research in Europe and in its international environment.
Strengthening and connecting VET research in Europe
At a virtual conference hosted by BIBB, representatives of national vocational education and training institutes and research facilities from 14 European countries spoke out in favour of further developing and strengthening VET research in Europe.
Tuesday, 3 November 2020
Passed! Trainee motor vehicle mechatronics technicians score points in demonstration examinations
Why are common training and examination standards important when it comes to the quality of vocational education and training? A film about German-Russian demonstration examinations in the field of mechatronics has the answer.
This issue of BWP looks at new areas of potential and arising challenges for the cooperation between learning venues. It provides readers with food for thought and presents examples of good practice.
VET in Germany. An overview of the professional qualification opportunities in Germany
The large number of enquiries from all over the world are evidence of the interest in Germany’s dual VET. Less well known are the many other qualification pathways in the German VET system. GOVET has produced a brochure that provides an overview of the German occupational and training landscape.
This animated video is based on the new ReferNet Spotlight brochure. It gives an overview of the state of play of Germany’s education and training system, its distinctive features, the particular challenges the country faces and the policy responses it has been developing.
For the second time within 20 years, BIBB provided advice on the development of a national 10-year VET-strategy for Viet Nam. BIBB developed the recommendations with support of its Vietnamese partner institution NIVT and GIZ. Results are now available.
This detailed report describes the German VET system. It presents the key features as well as the challenges and policy responses, e.g. an attractive VET for all and how to deal with the challenges of digitalisation and the commitment to sustainability.
What does the digital future of work mean for development cooperation?
The "future of work" in the informal economy presents opportunities and challenges in development cooperation. How are work and employment in developing countries changing with the digital transformation? A current GIZ publication provides answers.
How to take digitalization and sustainability into account in training occupations
The standard occupational profile items apply cross-professionally to all 326 training occupations. They now have been further developed and take aspects of digitalization and sustainability explicitly into account. GOVET offers an overview in Arabic, German, English, Hebrew, Russian and Spanish.
The international research team is driving the project forward by means of, among other things, regular online project meetings, a contribution to the 32nd SASE conference and a newly acquired project partner.
An insight into GOVET’s cooperation activities: VET reporting in Ghana
GOVET and the Ghanaian Council of Technical and Vocational Education and Training collaborate in reporting on VET. While the first Ghanaian TVET report is still work in progress, the collaboration itself is already a good example of adapting aspects of the German Dual system to other VET systems.
Open educational resources for more sustainability in transport and logistics
The module handbook of Pro-DEENLA is an example of how open educational resources (OER) can work in VET. It is aimed at trainees and trainers in freight forwarding and logistics. We talked to Harald Hantke from the University of Lüneburg about why the Pro-DEENLA tasks have international relevance.
This issue of BWP marks the beginning of Germany’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union by looking at the current challenges being faced with regard to structuring the European Education Area and creating attractive vocational education and training in Europe.
Germany’s response measures to the COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has driven governments around the world to take decisive action for health protection, economic stimulus packages and reorganisation of public services, e.g. in education or social security systems. Germany has also taken extensive measures to strengthen its Dual VET system.
In autumn 2019, the German education and training provider HOTQUA trained 60 skilled workers and managers from 24 hotels in Antioquia, a region in the north-west of Columbia, in quality management. Read the new success story.
This short brochure describes the German VET system. It outlines the key features as well as the challenges and policy responses, e.g. an attractive VET for all and how to deal with the challenges of digitalisation and the commitment to sustainability.
Out now: 2019 Report on the Recognition Act in English
An English translation of the Report on the Recognition Act 2019 is now available. The Federal Government adopted the report of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research on 11 December 2019. The report consolidates the findings of the BIBB Recognition Monitoring.
Material, films and presentations on vocational training can be found on our Greek landing page. / Ενημερωτικό υλικό, βίντεο και παρουσιάσεις για τη δυική κατάρτιση θα βρείτε στην ελληνόφωνη ιστοσελίδα μας.
German and American vocational education experts exchange ideas on the impacts of COVID-19
Inspired by the international GOVET survey regarding the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on VET and the labour market, the US Department of Labor initiated a digital round table on this topic. BIBB Director of Research Prof. Hubert Ertl opened this first well-founded exchange of expertise.
BIBB Portal “Recognition in Germany” expands online presence
The BIBB run portal of the German Federal Government for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications presents itself with new content, a new structure and a new design. There are now dedicated sections for international skilled workers, counsellors, and employers.
Tuesday, 26 May 2020
BIBB goes remote
In an interview, that was first released for the re:publica 2020, BIBB President Esser answers questions about the current "systemically relevant" issues and challenges in the Corona crisis. The interview is now available on the BIBB YouTube channel with subtitles in English, Russian and Spanish.
The iMOVE portals have undergone a comprehensive modernization process and are now accessible in a brand new design. On the basis of the latest technology in the field of web design, the guiding policy of the new layout is “mobile first”. The international portal has been completely restructured.
GOVET and the National Skills Network (NSN) in India start with a newsletter series on Indo-German vocational training cooperation. The six-month series will highlight core issues of vocational education and training in both countries and present the BMBF's bilateral VET cooperation.
The report focuses on the responsiveness of the German VET system to the challenges of digitalisation, AI and the future of work. What are the policy strategies and initiatives to modernise VET and how can digital technologies and media support learning practices?
2nd ASEAN-German Education and Vocational Training Forum
iMOVE and the OAV - German Asia-Pacific Business Association invite you to the 2nd ASEAN-German Education and Vocational Training Forum. The forum will take place on 24 March 2020 as part of the didacta trade fair in Stuttgart with the kind support of the Didacta Association.
The "Developing Skills for Employability with German Partners – 8 Case Studies of Train-the-Trainer Solutions" brochures presents eight vocational education and training success stories of German and international partners. Read the new edition of the sector-specific success stories.
Gaining experience abroad via the Erasmus+ programme
In order to learn and work abroad, more and more teachers and trainees from companies and vocational schools complete a stay in a European partner institution. An analysis by NA at BIBB shows how the number of stays abroad that counted towards vocational qualification has developed.
Tuesday, 7 January 2020
German partners urgently needed
iMOVE and the German-African Business Association organised the 1st German-African Forum on Vocational Training and Education in Berlin, Germany. Training experts from business presented successful examples of German–African cooperation in a range of industrial sectors.
The new Cedefop ReferNet database is the main source of information about vocational education and training (VET) systems in the EU, Iceland and Norway. It includes diagrammes, generates reports and allows comparing by country and theme.
The practical training of skilled workers through the teaching of occupational employability skills is the unique selling point and key sales argument in international training markets for German exporters of initial and VET provision. This is shown by iMOVE at BIBB's 2019 Trend Barometer.
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
2019 Recognition Report approved
The German cabinet has approved the report of the BMBF on the Recognition Act. The report consolidates the findings of the BIBB Recognition Monitoring Project. Almost 280,000 applications have so far been made for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications.
Six training films show trainers in companies and vocational school teachers how to prepare new skilled workers for practice. The films are now available in seven languages. Besides German, English and Russian also in Farsi, French, Italian and Spanish.
Workshop discusses development of dual VET in South Korea and Germany
During the BIBB - KRIVET Apprenticeship Policy Workshop 2019, German and South Korean VET experts exchanged views on current research findings and development prospects in VET in South Korea and Germany.
The report on international long-term mobility of apprentices (3-12 months) presents enablers and disablers with regard to framework conditions (1), VET system (2) and practical implementation (3) in Germany.
The exchange of experience and ideas on projects and initiatives for successful vocational education and training cooperation is the focus of the 1st German-African Forum on VET which is being organised by BIBB and the German-African Business Association in Berlin.