Profile of an occupation – technical product designer
Technical product designers conceptualise and develop data models, constructions, 3D models and components. This ensures that ideas and stipulations for products and machines can also be implemented. This profile presents tasks undertaken in both specialisms and figures relating to the occupation.
Labour market and vocational education and training
In times of societal transformation, the interaction between the labour market and VET is facing considerable challenges. This issue of BWP asks how VET can be structured in a way which enables it to keep pace with the speed of the transformation.
World Rivers Day – presenting the occupation of hydraulic technician
Germany’s many rivers provide valuable habitats, places of recreation and important transport routes for both humans and goods. Hydraulic technicians ensure that people can live safely alongside rivers.
Although equivalence between vocational and higher education is a pressing policy endeavour, the objective remains unachieved in reality. This issue of BWP looks at the reasons for the differing degrees of esteem and investigates why these are so difficult to surmount.
How to take digitalization and sustainability into account in training occupations
The standard occupational profile items apply cross-professionally to all 326 training occupations. They now have been further developed and take aspects of digitalization and sustainability explicitly into account. GOVET offers an overview in Arabic, German, English, Hebrew, Russian and Spanish.
In an interview, that was first released for the re:publica 2020, BIBB President Esser answers questions about the current "systemically relevant" issues and challenges in the Corona crisis. The interview is now available on the BIBB YouTube channel with subtitles in English, Russian and Spanish.
Maintaining the cultural heritage of the craft trades
There is a growing sense of awareness in Germany of the cultural heritage of the craft trades. Therefore, nationally standardised advanced training regulations for the qualification of “Certified restorer in the craft trades” in 19 different trades are introduced for the first time.
Thursday, 31 October 2019
Four out of five young people are being trained in their desired occupation
The vast majority (83%) of applicants able to find a company-based training position are receiving training in their desired occupation or in one of their desired occupations. These are the findings of the representative BA/BIBB applicant survey.
Monday, 2 September 2019
50 years of the BBiG – a guarantor of high quality
The Vocational Training Act entered into force 50 years ago on 1 September 1969. BIBB President Esser marked the occasion by stating that the law is a guarantor of high-quality VET.
Wednesday, 24 July 2019
“Create a closer link between initial and continuing VET”
BIBB President Esser has marked the beginning of the new training year on 1 August by emphasising the need for initial and continuing vocational education and training to be even more closely linked in future.
Wednesday, 17 July 2019
New training regulations for the occupation of industrial cleaner
The revision of the training occupation addresses technical, economic and organisational changes and developments that have taken place in craft trade practices in the field of industrial cleaning. The updated training regulations replace the existing regulations from 1999 as of 1 August 2019.
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
BIBB Data Report to accompany the 2019 Report on VET is published
Demand for training places by young people and young adults and the number of training places offered by companies both rose once again in 2018. Nevertheless, recruitment problems on the training market exacerbated further. These are the main outcomes of the 2019 BIBB Data Report.
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
BIBB publishes its 2018 ranking list for training occupations
Impressive start: Around 1,300 training contracts have been concluded in 2018 in the new training occupation of “management assistant in e-commerce”. With just over 15,000 new contracts the occupation of information technology specialist made it position 7 in the Top 10.
Wednesday, 6 March 2019
New training regulations for organ makers
Each organ is an individual piece. The building of organs is a craft with a long tradition. But also here, above all technical and electronic innovations took place. The new training regulation with the specialisms of organ building and pipe making enters into force on 1 August 2019.
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
VET Data Report Germany 2016/2017
The development of the German VET system and more specifically of the dual system relies on regular data collection. The Data Report of the BIBB is a selection of most relevant and actual data on the German VET system.
BIBB’s English website has been complemented by a new section on the German vocational education and training (VET) system. In addition, important terms can now be looked up in a VET glossary.
New training year begins with 25 updated occupations on 1 August
The new training year officially gets underway on 1 August. It will also feature no fewer than 25 re-regulated occupations, including the entirely new option of “management assistant in e-commerce”. BIBB President Esser: “Pace of adaptation is increasing because of digitalisation”.
Tuesday, 24 July 2018
Feet deserve the best – made-to-measure shoes
The production of made-to-measure footwear is the crowning discipline of the shoemaking trade. With its fresh designation "custom shoemaker", the individual and hand-made manufacturing process is emphasised. The new regulation enters into force on 1 August.
Thursday, 19 July 2018
The cutting edge for households, hotels and restaurants and industry
Knives, scissors, drills, milling tools and saw blades: Sharpness and precision are simply a necessity for tools in order to fulfil their intended purpose. Starting on 1 August, the manufacture of such articles will be governed by the new training programme in the occupation of precision tool mechanic.
Monday, 16 July 2018
A hot job – process technologist in the metal industry
The production and reforming of steel, copper, aluminium, lead and gold have always been procedures involving plenty of heat. The new training regulation takes account of technological developments and enters into force on 1 August 2018.