
Updated versions of the BIBB/BAuA-ETB 2006 and 2012 available
Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Updated versions of the BIBB/BAuA-ETB 2006 and 2012 available

Details of the new research data can be found in the errata on our respective pages.

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International research project on recruitment and induction (INDUCT II)
Friday, 13 January 2017

International research project on recruitment and induction (INDUCT II)

How are company recruitment and induction processes structured in the motor vehicle service, healthcare and nursing sectors in Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain, and South Korea? The international comparative research project INDUCT II looks at these questions.

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Supply, processing and use of data via the BIBB-FDZ
Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Supply, processing and use of data via the BIBB-FDZ

In its capacity as a departmental research institution of the Federal Government, BIBB has comprehensive VET data records at its disposal. This data is made available outside BIBB via the Research Data Centre and in compliance with data protection regulations and academic research procedures.

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Research data from the BIBB
Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Research data from the BIBB

In addition to the role it plays in preparing both the Report on Vocational Education and Training and VET statistics, the BIBB makes a major contribution to VET research as a result of its varied research activities.

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