New VET strategy for Ethiopia: BIBB is involved
BIBB is supporting the further development of Ethiopia’s VET strategy. Two workshops in Ethiopia on VET governance and financing models in and the visit of an Ethiopian delegation of high-ranking political actors to BIBB marked the start of the cooperation.

“BIBB’s capacity-building workshop is a major contribution to the Ministry of Labour and Skills’ (MoLS) ongoing efforts to update Ethiopia’s national TVET strategy.”
With these words of praise, Dr Teshome Lemma, an expert on VET at the Ethiopian Ministry of Labour and Skills and an active participant in the current reform process, concluded the two-day workshop held by the BIBB team of experts, Erika Bürkle and Luca Jelic, on 17.04.2024 and 18.04.2024 in Addis Ababa. The workshops focussed on governance and financing models for VET systems.
In addition to the specialist input with an international focus, the two workshop days offered space to reflect, interact and apply the content to the country-specific context. In a “VET parliament”, for example, the participants were able to put themselves in the position of different stakeholder groups and decide how “green skills” can be integrated into existing curricula. This change of perspective was an instructive experience for all participants.
All participants agreed that VET is a joint project in which public and private stakeholders must be equally involved. BIBB will continue to support Ethiopia in this endeavour with a team of experts from various countries until October.
BIBB has been supporting the Ethiopian Ministry of Labour and Skills in reforming the VET system since the beginning of the year as part of a VET project run by GIZ (Germany’s main development agency).
This includes advising an interdisciplinary team of experts on the formulation of a new vocational training strategy and organising topic-specific workshops aimed at different target groups.

Directly following the workshops, a high-ranking Ethiopian delegation visited BIBB on 22 April 2024. The delegation consisted of representatives from the regional offices of the Ethiopian and Somali Ministries of Labour and Skills, as well as political decision-makers, and was led by the Director of the Ethiopian Federal Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institute (FTVTI), Dr Mohammed Biruk. The visit covered aspects of regional VET coordination, introductory information on the dual VET system in Germany, and the question of how BIBB is modernising vocational regulations.