BILT Bridging Event Europe 2024 – Towards Inclusive Excellence
The 2024 BILT Bridging Event: “Towards Inclusive Excellence in TVET” took place in Como, Italy, from 22 to 24 April. Around 70 TVET experts from the BILT regions Europe, Africa, and Asia-Pacific attended in person, while up to 260 guests from around the world followed the highlights of the event online. The conference provided the opportunity for discussions on interregional policy and peer learning on how to promote more inclusivity and thus excellence in TVET.

The BILT Regional Conference for Europe was organised by the UNESCO International Centre for Vocational Education and Training (UNESCO-UNEVOC) and BIBB, and was hosted by La Cometa Società Cooperativa Sociale, a UNEVOC Centre and European Centre for Inclusive Excellence. For a deep dive into their work, please refer to our interview with Alessandro Mele, President of Cometa (see “Further information” on the right).
A detailed overview of the sessions, video recordings and the speakers’ presentations are available on the conference website. Contributions from the BILT community are showcased in a virtual poster gallery.
Day 1:
- Keynote Anastasia Pouliou, Cedefop: VET excellence and inclusion
- Roundtable I The UNESCO Strategy for TVET - aspirations and realities
- Roundtable II The role of TVET networks to support the transformation towards inclusive excellence in TVET
- Gianluca Brenna: Towards inclusive excellence in TVET
- Study Visit to the HOLCIM cement production unit in Merone
Day 2:
- Impulse Talk Michael Wiechert: BIBB’s role and activities in national and international networks to develop inclusive, flexible and excellent TVET systems.
- Cahyanti Ratri, EU-ASEAN Sustainable Connectivity Package – Higher Education programme, Nuffic Southeast Asia, Indonesia
- Yvonne Jänchen, Movetia, Switzerland: Exchange and mobility
- Christine von Harrach, Donor Committee for dual Vocational Education and Training (DC dVET)
Next up: BILT Bridging Event in Africa
BILT Bridging Events are held in each of the three focus regions of the project: Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Europe. They are hosted by a UNEVOC Centre as an active networking partner for TVET stakeholders in and beyond the region. The next Bridging Event will be hosted in Africa in autumn 2024. Sign up for our newsletter for updates on participation opportunities and online registration for this event.