What is the BIBB's role?

The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) is the recognised centre of excellence for the research and further development of initial and continuing vocational education and training in Germany. BIBB identifies the future tasks and challenges within VET, promotes innovation in national as well as international vocational education and training and develops new practice-oriented solutions for initial and continuing VET.

Spotlight on vocational education and training

  • 489,200 new training contracts every year
  • 328 recognised training occupations
  • 33,011 stays abroad as part of vocational education and training funded per year
  • 58% of the labour demand in occupationally related continuing training
Further information can be found in our VET Data Report


The Research Council advises the Board by producing official responses and recommendations relating to the research work of BIBB, in particular with regard to the Research Programme and cooperation with institutes of higher education and with other research institutions.

Research Council

As well as exercising the role of an executive body at BIBB, the Board also acts as the statutory advisory body to the Federal Government in all fundamental issues relating to vocational education and training. The BIBB Board includes representatives of the employers, the trade unions, the federal states and the Federal Government (“benches”), all of whom have equal voting rights.


BIBB is led and managed by its President. The President works in conjunction with the Board, with the sub-committees of the Board and with the Research Council to carry out the tasks of the institute. Professor Dr. Friedrich Hubert Esser has been President of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training since May 2011. Prof. Dr. Hubert Ertl became Director of Research in September 2017 and is thus responsible for all research conducted by the institute.

Institute Management

  • Prof. Dr. Friedrich Hubert Esser, President of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)

    “Communication between the areas of academic research, policy and practice in vocational education and training is a core task of BIBB.”

Fields of activity

BIBB works with experts from occupational practice to develop and update initial and advanced training regulations for recognised vocational qualifications. The spectrum of regulatory instruments ranges from training regulations for the vocational education and training of disabled persons to advanced training qualifications at Master’s level. Occupational research analyses and evaluations of existing regulatory instruments form the basis of the regulatory work. BIBB uses implementation guides and the Leandro Portal to support companies in delivering high-quality training. It also continues to assume statutory tasks within the scope of the nursing professions and the Distance Learning Protection Act.

Regulatory work

BIBB supports and advises the Federal Government and makes its expertise available to elected members of the Bundestag and of the state parliaments. The main focus here is on contributions to the annual Federal Government Report on Vocational Education and Training and on BIBB’s Data Report, which is published at the same time. In this way, BIBB also fulfils its statutory remit as a departmental research institute. BIBB also brings its expertise to bear in policy consultancy at an international level, e.g. for the European Union and for governments and partner institutions all over the world.

Policy consultancy

BIBB uses funding from the BMBF and BMAS in particular to finance programmes and projects for the development and piloting of pioneering concepts for initial and continuing VET and for vocational orientation. Inter-company vocational training centres, for example, receive support for construction and equipment projects and for further content development. One of the vehicles via which this takes place is the INex-ÜBA initiative. The aim of the InnoVET series of projects are to enhance the attractiveness, quality and equivalence of vocational training and to initiate new cooperation arrangements between learning venues. The Vocational Orientation Programme provides young people with practically related insights into working life, and the Service Centre of the Youth Employment Agencies offers guidance and integration provision to support individual agencies at a local level. BIBB’s pilot projects also help to enshrine sustainability within initial and continuing training. The respective work results produced by the programmes and service agencies are processed for transfer into practice so that all parties addressed are able to benefit from the solutions and innovative concepts.

Practice and programmes

The research conducted by BIBB investigates developments and structures in vocational training in a continuous and systematic way. Important topics include the situation on the training market, transitions to VET, competency development and the significance of continuing vocational education and training. Instruments such as the Labour Force Survey and the Training Panel have been created in order to collect relevant data on a regular basis.

BIBB collaborates closely with the institutes of higher education and with other institutions in research and also in the teaching and fostering of young academic research talent. The Research Data Centre (FDZ) provides access to BIBB research data for external academics.


BIBB observes and analyses the development of vocational education and training at a European and at an international level. For this purpose, experts from BIBB conduct research, development and consultancy projects aligned to themes such as the BIBB topic clusters. BIBB maintains a cooperation network comprising more than 30 VET institutions from all over the world. It is an active member of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Network, UNESCO’s International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, and regularly collaborates with the European Commission, with the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) and with the European Training Foundation (ETF). BIBB acts as a point of contact for questions relating to international cooperation in VET via the German Office for International Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training (GOVET). The BMBF initiative iMOVE supports German initial and continuing training providers in their internationalisation. The National Agency Education for Europe at BIBB implements the European Erasmus+ educational programme and funds international mobility for learning purposes. With regard to measures aimed at managing the immigration of skilled workers, BIBB supports the Federal Government with the implementation of recognition of professional and vocational qualifications acquired abroad.

Department 3 - VET International
Govet International
iMOVE Germany

VET Repository and library

BIBB’s library contains over 85,000 books and digital media and maintains around 200 ongoing journal subscriptions. It is the largest specialist academic research library relating to the topic of VET and VET research anywhere in the German-speaking countries. 

The VET Repository systematically references specialist literature on all aspects of vocational education and training and VET research and makes many texts available for download via the open access route. It can also be used as a publication platform. A Literature Documentation Team offers various specialist information services providing an overview of current VET topics within the fields of academic research, policy making and practice.


BIBB specialist publications

BIBB’s key research and work results are released in various series of publications. These are available for download free of charge via the open access route.

BIBB publications

BWP journal

BIBB’s specialist journal Vocational Training in Research and Practice – BWP appears four times a year. BIBB’s specialist journal, Vocational Training in Research and Practice – BWP, appears four times a year. It features selected articles about current topics in academic research, practice, and policy making in vocational education and training.. Each issue is dedicated to a separate thematic focus. BWP also includes other interesting articles from the field of research and practice relating to all aspects of the modernisation and updating of occupations. All contents of the journal are available free of charge on the online portal, where podcasts for each issue and further supplementary materials are also provided.


How can we assist you?

Whether you are interested in vocational education and training in Germany, European vocational education and training policy, background information or statistical data - the BIBB has competent contacts available to help!

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New Articles

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