Lisa Zastrow

Stay at the BIBB

15.03.2021 bis 31.10.2021

Professional Background

Ms. Zastrow is a research associate at the University of Hamburg in the junior research group MARE – "Multiliteracy as a Labor Market Resource". Ms. Zastrow holds a bachelor's degree in French Philology and History from Humboldt University of Berlin (HU) and a master's degree in "Multilingualism and Education" from the University of Hamburg (UHH). The guest stay at the BIBB took place as part of her master's degree at the University of Hamburg, initiated through her involvement in the MEZ project – "Multilingual Development Over Time".

Research interest

Ms. Zastrow focuses on heritage-based multilingualism and its social and economic significance in Germany against the backdrop of socio-structural justice and participation. In her master's thesis, Ms. Zastrow specifically examined the importance of heritage-based Turkish and Russian language skills as a resource for employment. To do this, she exploratively analyzed job advertisements for vocational training positions at the BIBB and qualitatively evaluated the demand for Turkish and Russian language skills.