Lisa Herrmann

Stay at the BIBB

18.09.2023 bis 06.10.2023

Professional Background

Lisa Herrmann completed her PhD at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU). She studied Social Economics for her bachelor's and master's degrees at FAU. Her research interests primarily lie in the areas of Computational Social Science and Empirical Sociology.

Research interest

Lisa Herrmann's research focuses on innovative methods in the field of machine learning and underutilized data sources to expand established approaches. In her dissertation and subsequent studies, she examines dropouts in post-secondary education (vocational training and university studies).

During her research stay, she worked with social media data and investigated sentiments towards educational dropouts and topics discussed in this context in YouTube comments. Additionally, she participated in a BIBB team's study on patterns of career changes in vocational education and the fulfillment of career aspirations in Germany.