Models and procedures for recognition of vocational qualifications and competences acquired abroad
The objective of the MoVA project is to identify strategies and concepts for the recognition of professional and vocational qualifications acquired abroad which are applied in selected European and non-European countries. The MoVA project aims to respond to the question of how the recognition of foreign professional and vocational qualifications functions outside Europe by identifying and analysing relevant approaches adopted.

The main focus is on carrying out an inventory and systemisation of approaches that could also serve as “models of good practice” in Germany given the right prerequisites..
Investigating the situation abroad in this way is intended to tie in with the Recognition Act, which has been in force in Germany since 1 April 2012, and to show the importance of the recognition of professional and vocational qualifications in other countries. Interesting aspects include the economic, policy and societal objectives involved and the institutional integration of the models.
The criteria for evaluation, dissemination and de-facto use of the procedures and the potential benefit from the point of view of various stakeholders all form objects of investigation. In the current project planning phase, the assumption is made that the models and procedures practised for the recognition of foreign professional vocational qualifications in Denmark, Norway, Australia and Canada are capable of delivering meaningful findings for the debate being conducted in Germany.
- Christiane Eberhardt (2022): Data report - D2 „Qualifizierte Zuwanderung“ und die Anerkennung beruflicher Abschlüsse: Ein Blick nach Australien und Kanada (in German)
- Annen, Silvia / Eberhardt, Christiane (2019): Models and procedures for the recognition of vocational qualifications and competences acquired abroad in selected states – design principles, construction, implementation (MoVA) (Final report)
- Annen, Silvia / Eberhardt, Christiane (2016) Vocational Training in Research and Practice, issue 5, p. 28-32 (in German)
- Annen, Silvia / Eberhardt, Christiane (2015): Recognising Foreign Qualifications and Competences: An Area of Conflict between Labour Market, Education and Migration Policy, In: IJCDSE, Special Issue Volume 5 Issue 1, 2015, p. 2437-2447.
- Eberhardt, Christiane / Annen, Silvia (2014): What is worth a qualification? : Approaches towards the recognition of vocational qualifications and competences acquired abroad. In: IJCDSE, Special Issue Volume 4 Issue 2, 2014, p. 1991-1999.
- Eberhardt, Christiane / Annen, Silvia (2015): Attracting, Integration, Selecting? Reflections on the Recognition of Foreign Qualifications in different context, In: Research in Work and Learning, Conference Proceedings, paper 79, Singapore.