We should seize the opportunity to reach 1.3 million young people!
BIBB President Friedrich Hubert Esser was awarded the Georg Schulhoff Prize in November 2023. In his acceptance speech, Professor Esser emphasised that education for democratic citizenship is an important aspect of holistic VET in the face of declining trust in democratic institutions.
Can education for democratic citizenship be a task for company-based training?
In the face of political disillusionment, training providers face the challenge of identifying which elements of civic education they can offer without risking being perceived as ideologically biased or manipulative. This article outlines the points of reference offered by the occupational profiles.
50 years of the Vocational Training Act – a guarantor of high quality
The Vocational Training Act entered into force 50 years ago in September 1969. In the interview, BIBB President Esser acknowledges the Act as both a guarantor of the high quality of VET in Germany and that leaves stakeholders with plenty of scope to find practice-oriented solutions.
50 years of the Vocational Training Act – its origins, and what the future holds
Vocational education and training in 1969 saw a lot of unsatisfied young people. “If you want cheap labour, get an apprentice” was a line they were no longer willing to accept, and they were becoming actively involved in the apprentice movement. Our interviewee, Dr. Klaus Heimann, was there.
50 years of the Vocational Training Act – a successful instrument for promoting innovation
Before 1969, the craft trades was the only sector of the economy to provide statutory regulations for VET in the skilled crafts. What does Andreas Ehlert, a master craftsman and President of the Chamber of Crafts and Trades have to say about 50 years of the Vocational Training Act?
50 years of the BBiG – a guarantor of high quality
The Vocational Training Act entered into force 50 years ago on 1 September 1969. BIBB President Esser marked the occasion by stating that the law is a guarantor of high-quality VET.
Friday, 1 September 2017
Hubert Ertl is the new Head of Research at the BIBB
Since 1 September 2017, Prof. Dr. Hubert Ertl has been Deputy President and Head of Research of the BIBB. He regards the stronger strategic focus of research in the BIBB and its international networking as a particular challenge.