Prof. Dr. Friedrich Hubert Esser

Professor Dr Friedrich Hubert Esser became president of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Bonn as of 1 May 2011.
Professor Dr Friedrich Hubert Esser was born in Grevenbroich in 1959. After completing an apprenticeship in the baker's trade in Grevenbroich, Professor Esser continued his education via the "second educational pathway" at the Friedrich-Spee-Kolleg in Neuss where he earned an upper secondary school leaving certificate which qualifies the holder to enter university. In the years from 1983 to 1989, he first studied economics at the Braunschweig Technical University and then business administration and economic and business education at the University of Cologne.
In 1989, Professor Esser began his career with a job as a research associate for the Chair for Economic and Business Education at the University of Cologne.
Two years later, the married father of two switched to the Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training in the Crafts Sector of the University of Cologne (FBH) where he was employed in various positions for 13 years: initially as a research associate, then as managing director starting 1998 and finally as deputy director starting 2003.
On 1 November 2004, Professor Esser became head of the Vocational Education and Training Department at the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH) in Berlin where he remained until he assumed office as president of BIBB.
His knowledge and expertise as a proven, dedicated VET expert have been in demand time and again in numerous bodies and committees. Professor Esser has been a member of the BIBB Board since 2005. Between 2005 and 2011 he was head of the European Vocational Education and Training task force of the German Employers' Organisation for Vocational and Further Training (KWB) as well, and since 2007 a member of the GQR Working Group set up by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany. In addition, in 2007 and 2008 he belonged to the Committee on Innovation in Continuing Training (IKWB) which was set up by Minister Schavan.
Main areas of focus in Professor Dr Esser's work and research:
- Occupational and qualifications research
- German Qualifications Framework (GQF) and European Qualifications Framework (EQF)
- European vocational education and training
- Entrepreneurship
Occupational biography:
1977 – 1979 |
Vocational training in the baker's trade in Grevenbroich Qualification earned: Journeyman in the baker's trade |
1981 – 1983 |
Friedrich-Spee-Kolleg, Neuss Qualification earned: Upper secondary school leaving certificate which entitles holder to admission to any institution of higher education in Germany, including university |
1983 – 1986 |
Studied economics at the Technical University of Braunschweig |
1986 – 1989 |
Studied economic and business education at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Cologne (Qualification earned: MBA and recognition of the first state examination for qualification to teach at vocational schools, secondary school level II) |
1989 – 1991 |
Research associate for the Chair for Economic and Business Education at the University of Cologne |
1991 – 2004 |
Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training in the Crafts (FBH) at the University of Cologne:
1997 |
Doctorate at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Cologne Subject of doctoral thesis: Occupation as a Didactic Category: Tradition and Innovation |
1998 – 2005 |
Lecturer at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Cologne |
2004 – 2011 |
Head of the Vocational Education and Training Department at the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH) in Berlin |
seit Juli 2005 |
Honorary professor at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Cologne |
Work as a lecturer or examiner at chambers of crafts and trades and their training centres:
1988 – 2004 |
Lecturer at business administration and vocational teaching seminars and courses in the adult education field, particularly in connection with master craftsman training and instructor training in various skilled trades and academy-based training courses in preparation of the final examination conducted by the Cologne Chamber of Crafts and Trades and the Düsseldorf Chamber of Small Industries and Skilled Trades for the certificate "graduate in business economics in the skilled trades" |
1991 – 2004 |
Examiner on examination boards in the Cologne Administrative District, examiner on examination boards of the Cologne Chamber of Crafts and Trades, especially for final examinations for trainer aptitude, specialist clerk in the skilled trades, and graduate in business economics in the skilled trades |
2000 – 2004 |
Member of the ETQ (European Trainer Qualification) examination board of the Cologne Chamber of Crafts and Trades |
1991 – 2004 |
Represented the Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training in the Crafts (FBH) of the University of Cologne in the Central Committee for Vocational Education and Training of the German Chambers of Crafts and Skilled Trades Council |
1999 – 2004 |
Represented the FBH in three working groups of the German Chambers of Crafts and Skilled Trades Council: Inter-Company Vocational Training; Continuing Training; and Examination System |
2002 – 2003 |
Head of the Europeanisation and Differentiation of Vocational Training in the Skilled Trades strategy working group on behalf of the German Chambers of Crafts and Skilled Trades Council |
2005 – 2011 |
Member of the Board of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) and other BIBB subcommittees and working groups |
2005 – 2011 |
Member of the European Vocational Education and Training task force of the German Employers' Organisation for Vocational and Further Training (KWB) |
seit 2007 |
Member of the GQF Working Group (AK DQR) set up by the Federal Minister of Education and Research and the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany |
2007 – 2008 |
Member of the Committee on Innovation in Continuing Training (IKWB) set up by Minister of Education and Research Professor Dr Annette Schavan |
2009 - April 2011 |
Represented the employers' organisations which have banded together in the KWB on the BIBB Research Committee |