Press releases 2014

57/2014 | 30.12.2014

Digitalised world of work: BIBB studies training needs for Industrie 4.0

In 2015 the BIBB will be placing greater emphasis on studying the changes in skill requirements associated with the design of so-called "smart factories".

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39/2014 | 28.08.2014

Attractive vocational education and training via quality assurance –chambers, schools and companies demonstrate example

The attractiveness of vocational education and training needs to be maintained and strengthened against the background of an impending shortage of skilled workers in an ageing society, increasing academisation of educational pathways and growing matching problems in trainee recruitment.

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55/2014 | 16.12.2014

Difficult search for a training place – higher likelihood of being given employment by the company providing training

Young people from a migrant background are more likely to progress to permanent employment with the company providing training. However, the greatest difficulty facing young migrants remains the task of finding a training place at all at the end of their schooling.

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54/2014 | 12.12.2014

Development on the training market in 2014: Dual system faces major challenges

Whilst the trend towards higher education continues unabated as some 500,000 students commenced such a course of study, the number of newly concluded training contracts fell once more in 2014.

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51/2014 | 27.11.2014

Poorer prospects for young women in the search for a training place

Although young women perform better at school and achieve higher school leaving qualifications, the search for a company-based training place is harder for them than it is for young men.

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44/2014 | 19.09.2014

Joint VET pathways and solutions also form an international point of focus

BIBB President Esser and Joel Villanueva, the Philippine Director General of the Technical Skills Education and Development Authority (TESDA) signed a new cooperation agreement.

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43/2014 | 19.09.2014

President Esser: “New impetuses for dialogue across all areas of education and training”

Over the two days of the event under the motto of “Structuring vocational education and training in a more attractive way – facilitating greater permeability”, more than 800 participants from 35 countries debated the future shaping of the educational and vocational education and training System.

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42/2014 | 18.09.2014

Modern, more up-to-date and even more user friendly

On the occasion of the BIBB Congress in Berlin, the President of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Friedrich Hubert Esser, took the opportunity to present the new BIBB website to more than 800 participants attending the event from home and abroad.

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37/2014 | 14.08.2014

Only small numbers of trainees from afar, but major interest from companies

According to the results of a company survey conducted by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), small and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s) are displaying considerable interest in the topic of “training mobility”.

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36/2014 | 12.08.2014

BIBB President Esser: “Permeability is the key to an educational system that is fit for the future”

Increasing permeability between educational areas is currently the leading issue in educational policy debate in Germany. The President of BIBB, Friedrich Hubert Esser, believes that improved permeability across the educational system as a whole is an important lever for structuring vocational training in an even more attractive way in future.

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35/2014 | 06.08.2014

Making vocational training fit for the future

The main thematic focuses addressed by BIBB over the past year have been strengthening dual training, securing access to recognised vocational education and training for everyone, the permeability of vocational and academic education, international VET cooperation and the expansion of continuing training.

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34/2014 | 31.07.2014

The new training year begins with nine modernised dual training occupations

Nine newly modernised training occupations ranging from “specialist in ice cream making” to “cycle mechatronics technician” will be on offer when the new training year starts on 1 August, a day on which several hundred thousand young people will embark upon their new working life.

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33/2014 | 29.07.2014

Employment success is determined by prior school learning and occupation

The results of an analysis conducted by the BIBB and entitled “Occupational success? A comparison of dual and school-based training courses show that prior school learning and the employment opportunities associated with the respective training occupation exert more of a central significance on occupational success rather than the different training systems as such.

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