Work-based learning programmes in the tertiary education and training sector - an international comparative analysis of models and functions (H-VET)

Phenomena such as the service society and information society are increasingly leading to a break up of the opposing pair of “learning” and “working”. Training and learning are not only preparation for work, but they also form a substantial part of work, and work forms a substantial part of learning. This also applies to education and training programmes in the tertiary education and training sector. The project presents the hypothesis that the term “academization” is too narrowly defined because it neglects the growing importance of work-based learning programmes in the tertiary education and training sector.

For this reason, the tertiary education and training sector is examined in this project with regard to models of work-based learning and their function in the training and education system. The comparison includes England, France, Ireland, Norway, Austria and Poland. The models are heterogeneous, the formats varied, and are assigned to a range of training sectors. They can have a variety of functions in terms of education and training policy. For example, they are intended to differentiate higher education more precisely and link it more strongly to the needs of the economy. To some extent, however, they are also expected to administer the transfer from vocational training in the secondary sector to the higher education sector and to facilitate a higher-level technical qualification.

Selected learning programmes are examined in greater depth as part of case studies concerning governance and organisational structure. The emphasis here is on the role of companies in the design of education and training content as well as the organisation and relevance of learning phases.
The project is also intended to contribute to improving the visibility of vocational education and training in the form of work-based learning and to increase the value attributed to it. The extent to which the higher education sector has both addressed the core characteristics of the dual education and training system and integrated this within higher education and training is also developed. As a result, it contributes to a deeper understanding of international training and education data from OECD and Eurostat and of EQF levels 5 and 6.

Final Workshop „Work-based learning in the tertiary education sector“

On June 2, 2017 at the final workshop the major results of the research project “Work-based learning programmes in the tertiary education and training sector - an international comparative analysis of models and functions (H-VET)” were presented and discussed with international experts from England, France, Ireland, Norway and Austria at the BIBB. The feedback of the experts is a fruitful contribution for the final analysis and a further way to assure and improve the quality of the results.

The project has been conducted in cooperation with the Institute for Research & Development in VET (ibw) from Austria.

1.5.309 - Work-based learning programmes in the tertiary education and training sector - an international comparative analysis of models and functions

Time period I-14 to III-17

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