Tasks and core values of BIBB research

The BIBB Mission Statement runs as follows: “Our research is directed towards significant issues relating to vocational education and training and contributes to theoretical development. It is of an interdisciplinary nature and is bound by academic research standards. We cooperate with institutes of higher education and research bodies, foster up and coming academic talent and enable the field of academic research to gain access to research data.”

Vocational education and training research at the Federal Institute

The VET research conducted by BIBB pursues a dual purpose. Firstly, vocational education and train-ing is a primary object of academic research interest. Secondly, research is aligned towards the in-vestigation of issues which are pertinent to vocational education and training practice and policy. The particular characteristic of vocational education and training research is that it is marked by re-ciprocal debate between academic researchers, policy makers and practitioners.

The objectives of the research carried out by BIBB are as follows.

  • Clarify the basic principles of vocational education and training
  • Identify requirements with regard to the contents and aims of VET
  • Prepare the ground for further developments in VET with regard to the changes which have taken place in economic, societal and technical demands
  • Promote instruments and procedures for the imparting of vocational education and training and for the transfer of knowledge and technology
  • Observe domestic, European and international developments in vocational education and training

Funding is available within the Federal Institute’s budget to enable it to perform its own research. Information on respective projects embarked upon is provided in the annual research pro-grammes. In addition to this, research takes place within the scope of projects that are separately funded by the BMBF or other federal authorities. BIBB supplements its activities by acquiring third party funding to finance research.