Greece: Winning over businesses to provide apprenticeships

"Companies as sustainable partners for apprenticeship in Greece and Cyprus"

In the light of necessary reform schemes in the field of vocational education and training throughout Europe, the project aims at the development of models of dual system vocational education and training. The objective is to introduce elements of dual system apprenticeships into the mainly school-based vocational education and training systems of Greece and Cyprus and to win over businesses to provide vocational training for young people. However, the project processes and results will contribute also at a European level to the European Alliance for Apprenticeships.

The project co-ordinator is the Greek employment agency Manpower Employment Organisation (OAED); its main goal is the identification and evaluation of innovative in-company apprenticeship models in order to modernise vocational education and training in Greece and Cyprus. Another top priority is the mobilisation of businesses to become involved in vocational training and to increase their commitment to providing apprenticeships.

The involvement of experts from Germany (BIBB), a country with a well-functioning dual vocational education and training system, will support the development and expansion of quality assurance mechanisms. The aim is to develop and implement modern company-based learning processes, measures for establishing co-operation amongst businesses in the vocational training provision as well as high-quality training for training supervisors.

BIBB staff will advise the Greek partners in these matters and develop subject-related guidelines for important aspects of in-company vocational education and training.