Slovakia: Introduction of dual system elements

Introduction of Elements Dual VET Slovak Republic

The current reforms in the Slovakian vocational education and training system aim at the increased promotion of dual vocational education and training structures. In this context, the project goals are the establishment of a 'Danube Academy', the increased mobilisation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to engage in vocational education and training and the implementation of a platform for experience exchange amongst stakeholders.

The project contributes to the reform activities. Several measures are planned to this end, including

  • carrying out an employer survey amongst companies; 
  • review of the current legislation and existing pilot projects;
  • development of a training concept for training supervisors.

The project is co-ordinated by the Slovakian Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport. The Slovakian State Institute for Vocational Education and Training is a project partner. German partners include, in addition to the BIBB, the Baden-Württemberg Federal State Ministry of Finance and Economics and the Baden-Württemberg Federal State Academy for Advanced Training and Personnel Development at Schools. Another direct project partner is the Austrian Economic Chambers association. The Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy and Volkswagen Slovakia, a.s. are associated partners.

The BIBB acts in the capacity of advisor to the project with an emphasis on the legal framework and vocational education and training personnel.