Division 3.1 - International VET Comparison, Research and Monitoring

International VET Comparison, Research and Monitoring

Division 3.1 is dealing with basic policy issues related to internationalisation of German vocational education and training. It examines the acceptance and attractiveness of the German vocational education and training system abroad and facilitates further development of German vocational education and training through international comparison and monitoring.

The division initiates and conducts research and development projects, performs system comparisons and observes vocational education and training systems abroad as they relate to the key issues in German VET policy. Special emphasis is given to issues such as company recruiting, development of the dual system abroad, vocational education and training at higher qualification levels, recognition and transparency of qualifications, permeability in the educational system and in-company training personnel.

The division cooperates with BIBB's international partner institutions and supranational institutions such as CEDEFOP, ETF, OECD and ILO. It provides expert support for the Central Office for International Vocational Education and Training Cooperation at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (GOVET) in regard to VET cooperation within Europe. The section publishes the "International Handbook of Vocational Education and Training" (IHBB) and assists in providing country and occupational profiles for various regions in the world (e.g. the Western Balkans, Europe, Asia, the Arab region) - see the BQ Portal.

In addition, Division 3.1 supports implementation of European instruments (e.g. EQF, ECVET, EQAVET, Validation of non-formal and informal learning).

The division is the consortium leader of the "European information network for vocational education and training" (ReferNet) from CEDEFOP.



Isabelle Le Mouillour

Head Isabelle Le Mouillour

Dr. Philipp Ulmer

Deputy Philipp Ulmer


Phone: +49 228 107-1413 Contact