Dual vocational education and training in Mexico gains shape

Workshop for the development of Mexican education and training standards

The first Mexican training standards were prepared for the occupations of motor vehicle mechatronics technician and driver in an initial workshop with stakeholders in vocational education and training in Mexico and specialists from the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the BIBB.

Mexico is committed to the implementation of a Mexican model of dual vocational training, the Modelo Mexicano de Formación Dual (MMFD). Cooperation between the Mexican stakeholders and the German partners, as well as among the German partners, has been constructive and target-orientated.

Mexican training standards for the motor vehicle mechatronics technician and driver occupations were prepared in an initial two-day workshop in April 2015 which took place in Mexico. Others are expected to follow. The workshop was prepared by the BIBB, together with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), an external GIZ consultant, and the German Foreign Chamber of Commerce, Cámara Mexicano-Alemana de Comercio e Industria (CAMEXA), in Mexico.

Mexico commends cooperation with German partners

All Mexican partners stressed both the positive nature of the consultation with the Mexican partners and the teamwork with the German institutions as well as the usefulness of the workshop. The next workshop is expected to take place after the summer break and will again be jointly prepared by the German partners and coordinated with the Mexican partners.

Following the welcoming address by representatives of the Mexican Education and Foreign Ministry, the National Employers' Association, Confederación Patronal de la República Mexicana (COPARMEX), and National Director of GIZ, Corinna Küsel, the German experts presented the main features of school-based and company-based vocational training in Germany.

For the Mexican side, the BIBB partner institute, Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica (CONALEP), COPARMEX and the Council for the Standardisation and Certification of Vocational Competence presented the current progress of the MMFD.

The occupational profiles, competencies and content of a Mexican standard for the motor vehicle mechatronics technician and driver training occupations were discussed in two working groups. The starting point for this was the training regulation and the outline curriculum for the German training occupations. These papers now need to be fine-tuned and finalised by the Mexican side.

The next steps include

  • Preparation of a testing standard
  • Development of implementation guidelines for application in businesses
  • Integration within school-based vocational training in CONALEP Schools

In total, 40 participants took part in the workshop representing the Mexican Ministry Education and Employment, CONALEP, COPARMEX, CONOCER, Mexican experts, GIZ, as well as German specialists in the motor vehicle mechatronics technician and driver occupations.

The draft of the company-based training element (training regulation) was prepared under the supervision of Herbert Tutschner, from the division for electrical, IT, transport and scientific occupations in the BIBB; the school-based training element (outline curriculum) was prepared under the supervision of Dr Lindemann of the Ministry of Culture in Berlin and GIZ consultant.

Workshop for the further development of the Mexican model of dual vocational education and training

The workshop took place as part of the “Further development of the Mexican model of dual vocational education and training (MMFD)” project which had been arranged by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and the Mexican Ministry of Education (SEP). One of the two areas of activity comprises the development of dual elements in the Mexican education and training system, including, for example, in the occupational area of “industrial mechatronics”. The BIBB is supporting the Mexican stakeholders in the development and modernization of the relevant standards.

Report from the national training commission as a sign of political will

Michael Wiechert of the International Cooperation and Advisory Services / GOVET division in the BIBB, reported on the successful workshop at the invitation of Ms Xochitl Lagarda Burton, President of the National Training Commission of Employers' Associations of the 32 states (COPARMEX). This invitation is regarded as a positive sign that the Mexican partners want to introduce the MMFD across the board with Germany's support.

The BIBB participated in the Global Educational Suppliers & Solutions Mexico (GESS) trade fair, which was taking place at the same time, with a keynote address in the “Quality assurance in vocational training” workshop and in the moderation of the panel discussion which followed. The German embassy and the DIDACTA association hosted the workshop.

Mexico has wanted to introduce the dual system of vocational education and training across the board following the German model since 2009. The Modelo Mexicano de Formación Dual (MMFD) has already been implemented in 32 states since 2013. The agreement to develop occupational training standards was made in 2014. The BIBB has taken a leading role in advising on and supporting this process for the motor vehicle mechatronics technician and driver occupations. A framework agreement regarding collaboration in vocational education and training exists between the BIBB and the partner institute Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica (CONALEP). CONALEP is under the control of the national Ministry of Education.