2015 Report on the Recognition Act published

On 10 June, the Federal Government formally adopted the 2015 Report on the Recognition Act. The report informs about the recognition process, takes stock of the programme and names future challenges.

On 10 June, the Federal Government formally adopted the 2015 Report on the Recognition Act, which was submitted by the Federal Minister of Education and Research and is based on empirical surveys carried out as part of the BIBB recognition monitoring process.

The result presents findings in respect of the practical implementation of the Recognition Act and identifies areas where support or adaptations are required. It responds to questions regarding the development of the target group, the level of interest in recognition, how the advisory service is working, how procedures are progressing, the costs which are incurred and the ways in which such costs can be financed. BIBB has conducted numerous empirical investigations for this purpose and has also obtained the points of view of those involved in the process.

Full surveys were, for example, carried out with the Chambers of Industry and Commerce and with the German Chambers of Crafts and Trades. In addition, studies were undertaken in four selected healthcare occupations to gauge implementation at federal state level. Labour administration institutions and bodies offering guidance services for adult migrants were also interviewed. Further to this, there was a telephone survey of just under 5,300 companies on the topic of recognition of foreign vocational qualifications.

The 2015 Report on the Recognition Act builds on the first such report, which was adopted by the Federal Cabinet on 2 April 2014, and provides more detailed findings on the recognition system in Germany.


On 25 September 2015 the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) hosts a conference in Berlin that provides for the opportunity to discuss the results of the 2015 Report on the Recognition Act. More information on the conference will be published on our website in the near future.