Developing sustainability in vocational education and training

BIBB pilot projects

Vocational education and training is the key to sustainable development. BIBB has a long-lasting tradition of promoting VETSD-pilot projects anchoring sustainability in vocational education and training.

A lot of cubes in different colours with different logos and words printed on them

Sustainable development requires a paradigm shift in the economy and in the world of work. There is a clear need for a change in attitudes and organizational competencies and employability skills geared towards sustainability. Since 2004, several pilot projects have been initiated with the aim of developing possible solutions for this.

Pilot projects are an instrument for developing and testing new, innovative methods on an exemplary basis, which can contribute to improving the quality of vocational education and training and provide tools to support its modernization. On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the BIBB supports pilot projects in the field of extracurricular vocational education and training (practice models) in accordance with Article 90, Section 3 No. 1d BBiG (German Vocational Training Act). Practice pilot projects pursue the goal of transferring innovations and findings into practice, research and politics.

The main focus of funding of the pilot projects on sustainability in VET attaches particular importance to the structural development of the concepts to be developed in the VET system. The pilot projects are intended to support the guiding principles of the World Action Programme “from Project to Structure”. Particular importance is placed on ensuring that both transfer stakeholders as well as serviced providers contribute to anchoring sustainable development in vocational education and training.


Pilot projects

Funding Line I (2015-2019)
Development of training and qualification concepts for sustainability in commercial occupations

Six pilot projects developed domain-specific sustainability-oriented concepts for competence development in commercial professions, i.e. i.e. retail, wholesale and foreign trade, logistics services.


Funding Line II (2015-2019)
Establishment of a sustainable learning venue in vocational education and training institutions

For the creation and development of a sustainable learning venue in dual vocational training in training companies, inter-company vocational training centers, vocational schools and other educational institutions for dual vocational training, six pilot projects were funded.


Funding Line III (2018-2021)
Development of domain-specific sustainability competencies in food sector occupations in the craft trades and in industry

The processes of producing, processing and consuming food has an essential influence on the sustainable development of our society. Thus, six pilot projects for sustainable competence development in the food sector (food-craft and food-industry) were funded.


BBNE Transfer (2020-2022)
Vocational training for sustainable development in transfer for training personnel 2020-2022"

This funding programme aimed to transfer selected proven results and products of the previous BBNE pilot projects (2015-2019) from project to structure, generating both practical and scientific knowledge and insights on innovation transfer.

Establishing sustainable learning venues

A Guideline for training companies on the road to becoming more sustainable – International version

download (PDF, 944 KB)

Sustainability in commercial occupations

Trends and competencies

download (PDF, 965 KB)

Lieux d’apprentissage durables dans la formation professionnelle

Approches et lignes directrices

download (PDF, 673 KB)

Lugares de aprendizaje sostenibles en la formación profesional

Puntos de partida y orientaciones

download (PDF, 718 KB)

Sustainable learning venues in vocational education and training

Possible approaches and guidelines for

download (PDF, 1.3 MB)

Durabilité dans les métiers commerciaux

Tendances et compétences

download (PDF, 334 KB)

La sostenibilidad en profesiones comerciales

Tendencias y competencias

download (PDF, 285 KB)

Sustainability in artisanal food production and the food industry

Trends and competencies

download (PDF, 179 KB)

Food is how you make it

Training for sustainability in the skilled food trades

Sustainable action - in trade and commerce

Tips for (training) practice

Sustainability in Everyday Working Life

Vocational Training for Sustainable Development


As a result of the various pilot projects, a range of materials has been made available to support education and training practice: These include general recommendations for the design of education and training, as well as teaching and learning materials and tools for specific professions. Some of the results are also available in English.

Learning Modul 1 "Sustainable Development"
Notes for Trainers/Teachers
Notes for Trainees/Students

Sustainability in the transport and logistics sector
Introduction and summary

Carbon and water footprint
For trainers/teachers
For trainees/students

Combined transport!?
For trainers/teachers
For trainees/students
Simulation "Combined Transport" For trainers/teachers
Simulation "Combined Transport" Copy templates

Sustainable (customer requirements)
For trainers/teachers
For trainees/students

EU disclosure requirements
For trainers/teachers
For trainees/students

Dealing with contradictions
For trainers/teachers
For trainees/students
Systemic visualisation, Method Cards

Energy saving and energy efficiency
For trainers/teachers
For trainees/students

Thinking about resources
For trainers/teachers
For trainees/students
Design Thinking, Method Cards

Modul "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR)
For trainers/teachers
For trainees/students

Digitalisation leads to more sustainable business practices?
For trainers/teachers
For trainees/students
Design Thinking, Method Cards

Competency Model for VETSD in the Food Crafts and Food Industry
The competency model for vocational education and training for sustainable development (VETSD) in the food crafts and food industry is one of the main results of the work of the scientific supervision of the pilot projects of the third funding line “Vocational Education and Training for Sustainable Development 2015–2019”. It defines sustainability-relevant core competencies and associated competency goals and thus could serve as a basis for the didactic conception and design of teaching/learning processes and curricular development. Nov. 2022
Strotmann, Christina / Kastrup, Julia / Casper, Marc / Kuhlmeier, Werner / Nölle-Krug, Marie / Kähler, Anna-Franziska


Corporate Responsibility, Sustainability and Markets - How Ethical Organisations and Consumers Shape Markets
In: Simões C., Stancu A., Grigore G. (eds) Corporate Responsibility, Sustainability and Markets. Palgrave Studies in Governance, Leadership and Responsibility. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham., 2021, S. 142-162.
Reinhardt, Kai / Schwarzkopf, Julia / Ermer, Carolin


From project to structure - findings from BIBB pilot projects on VETSD for anchoring sustainability
There is increasing recognition that sustainability requires a solid structural basis in vocational training and is not limited to individual projects. However, one question that remains largely unclear is how sustainability can be specifically integrated into in-company training. The pilot projects "Vocational Education and Training for Sustainable Development" (VETSD) of the BIBB provide suggestions in this regard. The article looks back at the pilot projects of the past 20 years and identifies five dimensions that offer starting points for the structural integration of sustainable development into vocational training.
Barbara Hemkes, BIBB / Christian Melzig, BIBB

UNESCO-UNEVOC Virtual conference - New qualifications and competencies - Pilot-project Pro-Deenla

This presentation gives an overview of the pilot-project Pro-Deenla. The presentation was made by Verónica Fernández (BIBB) and Harald Hantke (Leuphana University Lüneburg).

watch presentation on YouTube