Migration and flight

While it has been important over recent years to consider flight and migration as separate issues, the two are now merging once again. The high numbers of refugees arriving as immigrants in 2015 and 2016 presented a huge challenge for Germany and for its institutions providing the support. Now, the task is to again take a holistic approach to integration in the training market and the labour market and to identify the best solutions. BIBB is engaging in research, development and in the implementation of programmes and projects to look at how both refugees and migrants can be successfully integrated into training, continuing education and employment.

A guy standing inside an office
Monday, 6 May 2024

BWP 2/2024 – Migration and integration

This issue of BWP provides numerical data which forms the basis for an objective debate on what has been achieved thus far and on the remaining challenges in respect of sustainably promoting integration in and via vocational education and training.

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Ukrainian flag
Thursday, 19 May 2022

Ukraine: BIBB's information and support services

Our new website brings together selected information on BIBB's cooperation with Ukrainian institutions, on vocational education and training cooperation with Ukraine and on support services for participation in training and work in Germany.

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Wednesday, 8 January 2020