International Organisations
Both domestic and foreign government institutions and organisations have been turning to the BIBB for many years with questions on all issues concerning vocational education and training - and this shows no sign of stopping. The BIBB cooperates globally in networks with multilateral institutions.

The BIBB cooperates globally in networks with multilateral institutions:
The BIBB has been an active member of the International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (UNEVOC network) since 1994. The BIBB is involved here in the development of a “Greening TVET Framework” as part of the project entitled “Strengthening National Capacities for Improving TVET Systems, Policies and Practices in Advancing Green Society and Economy”, and is also involved in the development of the knowledge management system.
In addition to this, the BIBB also provides papers for conferences and network meetings. From 2016, the BIBB will be working on a joint research project on the theme of “Work-based learning”.
International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
The BIBB collaborates with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in regional conferences and workshops on different themes relating to vocational education and training.
In addition to the International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (UNEVOC-UNEVOC), the ILO is another key vocational education and training stakeholder at the United Nations.
The BIBB is represented in ETF committees and cooperates on a project-related basis with the ETF
The BIBB works as the German partner in ReferNet, the European information network for vocational education and training. ReferNet was initiated by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational training (CEDEFOP).
Besides this, the BIBB participates in CEDEFOP conferences as well as in project tendering and completion.
The BIBB compiles background reports on initial and continuing vocational education and training for projects run by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The BIBB also participates in applications.
The BIBB conducts studies for the European Commission and contributes to consortia. The key topic in recent years has been “Overview of dual forms of education and training in Europe”.