Press releases 2015

51/2015 | 16.12.2015

More training places on offer - harder to match demand with supply

More training places of offer, steady demand, an unchanged number of training contracts conluded and once again an increase in the number of training places that remained unfilled - these are the results of the BIBB analysis on training market developments in 2015.

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30/2015 | 22.07.2015

Starting off the new year of training with 17 updated training occupations

From “apparel sewer” to “works fireman or woman” - the new year of training starts officially on 1 August with 17 updated dual training occupations. Once again this year more than half a million young people will start their new professional life with their training contract in their pocket.

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12/2015 | 31.03.2015

More than 100 countries interested in German vocational education and training

The German dual system of vocational education and training continues to attract great interest abroad. The website of GOVET – German Office for International Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training has been accessed from 106 countries during the first quarter of 2015 alone.

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05/2015 | 17.02.2015

New apprenticeship contracts: More than a third in only ten professions

The occupation of office manager is the new frontrunner in the 2014 ranking of vocational training occupations when it comes to new apprenticeship contracts. More than 29,100 young people nationwide had signed a new apprenticeship contract for this occupation by the cut-off date of 30 September.

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28/2015 | 16.07.2015

BIBB increases networking with universities – Cooperation with FernUniversität Hagen

A cooperation agreement has now been concluded between the BIBB and the FernUniversität in Hagen. The particular focus of future collaboration will be on themes of “academisation of vocational education and training” and “qualification of training personnel”.

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09/2015 | 11.03.2015

Threat of dramatic skilled labour shortage in electrical engineering and supply occupations

A dramatic skilled labour shortage threatens to affect the electrical engineering and supply occupations. According to a special evaluation by the BIBB, some 760,000 gainfully employed people will be lacking by the year 2030 in these two occupational fields alone.

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10/2015 | 17.03.2015

Shaping the future with vocational training for sustainable development

Vocational education and training plays a decisive role on the path to sustainable development. More than 150 stakeholders from all fields of vocational education and training discussed „Prospects and Strategies 2015+“.

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46/2015 | 05.11.2015

BIBB supports young academics from abroad – German Chancellor fellows work in the BIBB

The interest from abroad in Germany's dual system of vocational education and training remains high - also in the area of research. The BIBB is therefore offering research stays for guest academics. Two fellows want to take away models for action for developing dual elements in their VET system.

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24/2015 | 02.07.2015

President Esser: “Dual system requires further development”

Vocational education and training must prove its worth on a number of fronts in changing underlying conditions. The 2004 annual report of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training gives information about analyses, data and suggestions regarding the development of the dual system.

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08/2015 | 10.03.2015

Providing vocational training: An investment that pays off for businesses!

Businesses invest in great measure in training their young talent and future skilled labour supply. According to a BIBB survey, this investment pays off especially when the apprentices are offered a permanent contract after their apprenticeship.

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43/2015 | 15.10.2015

Fewer businesses are involved in VET – Increase in the number of unfilled training places is one main cause

Between 2007 and 2013, the number of training businesses fell by 52,000.An important reason behind this trend is the marked increase in unfilled training places. A special analysis by the BIBB-qualification panel looks at the backgrounds.

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49/2015 | 10.12.2015

Finding a training position via personal contact

A BIBB analysis of success in the search for an apprenticeship position shows: work placements and personal contact are the most succesful means. One in four young people found a training position via a work placement in 2014. There are differences according to school leaving qualification.

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17/2015 | 21.04.2015

BIBB analysis: High degree of occupational commitment amongst young working population

More than half of the working population in the age group of 18 to 24 years who hold dual system vocational training qualifications work in their original field of training. The number of young people to fully change careers increases with the time that has passed since graduation.

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23/2015 | 24.06.2015

IT occupations under review - BIBB launches new project

BIBB is investigating a modernisation of the four dual IT occupations of information technology specialist, information technology and telecommunications system electronics technician, information and telecommunications system support specialist and information technology officer.

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48/2015 | 18.11.2015

BIBB analysis of future qualification requirements regarding IT competences

Germany is well positioned in terms of numbers of IT-based core occupations and will also be able to meet the rising demand for highly-skilled workforce as a result of switching production processes over to Industry 4.0.

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01/2015 | 07.01.2015

Trainees have significantly more in their pockets once again

The average training allowance based on collective wage agreements for the whole of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2014 was €795 per month, an increase of 4.5 % compared to the previous year.

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14/2015 | 15.04.2015

Changes in schools and companies

"The digitalisation of the world of work is the key challenge for general and vocational education". This was the declaration from BIBB President Prof. Dr. Friedrich Hubert Esser during a conference in Hanover.

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40/2015 | 24.09.2015

BIBB President Esser presents the first GOVET Annual Report

The first GOVET Annual Report presents a positive Picture. “The numerous enquiries processed by GOVET show that the decision to establish a central body for international VET cooperation at BIBB was both important and correct,” said Professor Esser.

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39/2015 | 24.09.2015

BIBB dossier on integration of refugees into training and work

In providing current information on general legal conditions, concepts, analyses and existing examples of good practice, BIBB is supporting VET stakeholders in questions concerning the urgent topic of training and labour market integration of refugees.

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15/2015 | 15.04.2015

BIBB Data Report 2015: Training Mismatch Today – Skilled Labour Shortages Tomorrow

Matching supply and demand is an increasing problem in the training market. A more targeted appeal to those possibly interested in an apprenticeship and special applicant groups is necessary to reduce the emerging skilled labour shortage.

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42/2015 | 01.10.2015

"25 Years of German Unity – VET in East and West"

The transformation process of vocational education and training since reunification is the main focus of the October issue of the periodical "BWP". Analyses and first-hand accounts recall the developments, help to reflect them from today's perspective and provide impulses for further development.

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37/2015 | 27.08.2015

Approaches to avoiding the shortage in skilled workers: Demography conference in Halle

Over 100 stakeholders from all areas of vocational education and training accepted the joint invitation from the BIBB as well as the Chamber of Craft Trades for Halle and the University of Magdeburg. Main topics: Heterogeneity as a chance and projects to secure skilled workers.

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50/2015 | 14.12.2015

Further consolidation of participation in training by businesses

In a survey by the BIBB qualification panel companies explain why they have reduced their participation in dual vocational education and training between 2011 and 2014. Specific patterns can be observed. The results show the importance of providing support for companies with education and training.

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11/2015 | 26.03.2015

Playful practice for everyday working life – BIBB-multimedia publication „Business games“

Educational games are a bestseller in the field of vocational education and training. The updated and extended publication helps simulating and practising real life scenarios of subsequent everyday working life during the VET phase.

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13/2015 | 14.04.2015

Risk of widespread skilled labour shortages by the year 2030 in the technical occupations

There will be skilled labour shortages in all regions of Germany by the year 2030 in the technical occupations. This is shown for the first time by the regional results of the joint qualification and occupational field projections compiled by BIBB and IAB.

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20/2015 | 08.06.2015

Making use of diversity in vocational education and training

“In vocational education and training, diversity is of crucial significance in terms of securing the supply of skilled workers,” stressed BIBB President Esser on the occasion of the German Diversity Day on 9 June.

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07/2015 | 05.03.2015

Dual degree courses: Plenty of dynamics

Not only is the demand for dual degree courses unbroken, but also the range of courses on offer is increasingly diversified. The BIBB database „AusbildungPlus“ by now has registered 1,505 dual degree courses for first-time students with some 95,000 enrolled students.

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