Coordination Point

“Decade for Literacy”

The work of the coordination point involves the specialist monitoring of Federal Government activities in the context of the decade for literacy and the long-term change it is aiming to achieve, as well as the effective communication and cooperation with partners involved in the decade. The work is being carried out on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The focus is on issues and target groups with particular relevance to the labour market.
Key issues are:

  • Literacy with a workplace focus and basic adult education and training, www.alphadekade.de
  • Transfer and ongoing dissemination of examples of best practice
  • Identification and generation of new funding priorities and research requirements
  • Networking of stakeholders involved in literacy work, and acquiring new partners
  • Implementation of lasting and viable structures in literacy and basic education and training work as an element of the continuing education and training system
  • Raising the profile of the area and improving the awareness of this among the general public

The decade for adult literacy is based on the “National Strategy for Adult Literacy and Basic Education and Training in Germany”. This was jointly initiated by the BMBF and the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) as a result of the Level One-Study 2011. Additional social groups and groups active at a national level have joined on the basis of a common agreement and are actively involved in the implementation of the national strategy.

Head of the coordination point

Sigrid Meiborg-Tausch

Head of the coordination point Sigrid Meiborg-Tausch

Head of the coordination point

Phone: +49 228 107-1010 Contact