Meeting for the Erasmus+ project "New WBL"

Project members met from 10 to 12 May 2016 in the BIBB as part of the New WBL Erasmus+ Project.

The aim of the meeting was firstly to continue the work of the project, and secondly to gain an improved understanding of the system of education and training in Germany. The focus of the meeting was on the motor vehicle mechatronics technician training occupation. As part of the information day and in addition to information on the education and training system, participants were also provided with in-depth information from BIBB employees regarding the structure of training regulations.

Over the course of a company visit to RKG Rheinische Kraftwagen GmbH & Co KG in Bonn, participants also had the opportunity to talk to trainees and skilled workers undertaking training.

The information day also included a visit to the Heinrich-Hertz-Europakolleg in Bonn. In addition to the chance to discuss details with trainers, teachers and trainees; both events focussed on promoting dialogue between schools and training companies facilitating contact between companies and chambers.